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INCONTROL products share a common audit trail, which is stored in the IOA Log. This common database is a major advantage if you are trying to track problems that may occur.

Often, a job or an application will use several of the INCONTROL products during its life cycle in the system. For example, a job may be scheduled by Control-M. The job may start by executing a Control-M/Analyzer rule to balance a file. Further down the job stream, a report may be sent to Control-D, and a user may be notified.

When something unexpected happens during processing, you can look in the IOA Log to determine where the problem may have occurred. Depending on your security authorization, you may wish to explore the audit trail of specific events.

The IOA Log facility provides complete flexibility in choosing what you want to see or hide.

  1. Enter the IOA Log screen using one of the following methods:

    The IOA Log screen is displayed.

    Figure 39 IOA Log Screen

    FILTER:            ---------------- IOA LOG  -------------------------------(5)

    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

    SHOW LIMIT ON ==>                                          DATE 150101 - 180101

    DATE   TIME   ODATE  USERID   CODE    ------ M E S S A G E --------------------

    180101 130027 180101 N98A     SPY254I JOB JOB1 N98JOB /25398 OID=001KW SCANNED

    180101 130027 180101 N98A     SEL256I JOB JOB1 N98JOB /25398 OID=001KW JOB    

                                          RELEASED CONTROL TEST1 MODE E           

    180101 130027 180101 N98A     SEL208I JOB JOB1 N98JOB /25398 OID=001KW ENDED  


    180101 130027 180101 N98A     SEL203I JOB JOB1 OID=001KX ELIGIBLE FOR RUN     

    180101 130028 180101 N98A     SUB133I JOB JOB1 N98JOB /25399 OID=001KX       

                                          SUBMITTED FROM LIBRARY (P) N98.LIB.JCL  

    180101 130030 180101 N98A     SPY28GI JOB JOB1 N98JOB /25399 OID=001KX TAPE   

                                          DRIVE UNITS USED=00 00                  

    180101 130030 180101 N98A     SPY281I JOB JOB1 N98JOB /25399 OID=001KX START  

                                          01018.1300 STOP 01018.1300 CPU 0MIN     

                                          00.02SEC SRB 0MIN 00.00SEC 0.00 2AOS35  

    180101 130030 180101 N98A     SPY254I JOB JOB1 N98JOB /25399 OID=001KX SCANNED

    180101 130031 180101 N98A     SEL256I JOB JOB1 N98JOB /25399 OID=001KX JOB    

                                          RELEASED CONTROL TEST1 MODE E           

    180101 130031 180101 N98A     SEL208I JOB JOB1 N98JOB /25399 OID=001KX ENDED  


    ======== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   NO  MORE  LOG  MESSAGES    <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< =======

    CMDS: SHOW, GROUP, CATEGORY, SHPF                                      13.52.33

The number of messages you see, and for which INCONTROL products the messages are generated, depends on the options that were chosen for your site.

The IOA Log screen includes the following information:

Table 3 Fields of the IOA Log Screen




The date on which the Log message was issued


The time at which the Log message was issued


Original scheduling date of the mission


User ID, or owner, of the mission issuing the message, or of the user writing to the log


INCONTROL message code


The INCONTROL message
If the message is longer than the space available on the screen, the message is split and continues on the following line. The message shows every significant event between the time the Control-M/Analyzer environment is invoked until the Runtime Environment is ended.

Parent Topic

Introduction to Control-M/Analyzer Facilities