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SHOW Command
  1. In the COMMAND line, type SHOW and press Enter to display the Active Balancing Environment screen with the SHOW window open

    Figure 28 Active Balancing Environment Show Window


    COMMAND ===>        +---------------------------------------------------------+

    O RULE     ODATE    |                PLEASE SELECT SHOW OPTION                |

      ARSETVAR 111200   |  RULE                                                   |

                        |  JOBNAME                                                |

      ARWARN01 111200   |  MISSION                                                |

      ARWARN04 111200   |  CATEGORY                                               |

      ARWARN4A 111200   |  GROUP                                                  |

      ARSETVAR 111200   |                                                         |

      BALINV   131200   |   IN PROCESS     Y  | ENDED        Y  | STATE        Y  |

    ======= >>>>>>>>>>  |  -------------------+-----------------+---------------  |

                        |  WAIT ACTIVATION Y  | ENDED OK     Y  | HELD         Y  |

                        |  BALANCING       Y  | ENDED NOTOK  Y  | DELETED      Y  |

                        |                     | ENDED TOLER  Y  | FREED        Y  |

                        |         === SCOPE ===                                   |

                        |   SNG   STP   JOB   ALL   UNS                           |

                        |    Y     Y     Y     Y     Y                            |

                        |  COND                                                   |

                        |  IN CONDITIONS  YES Y NO Y                              |

                        |  OWNER                                                  |




    OPTIONS:  ? WHY  H HOLD  D DEL   F FREE  L LOG                         07.58.45

    This screen provides many choices for viewing only the information you want. For example, you can simplify the display to show only those rules and missions belonging to group INTRAC which did not end NOTOK.

  2. Place the cursor in the GROUP field, and type INTRAC.
  3. Place the cursor in the ENDED NOTOK field, and type N, as shown in Figure 29.

    Figure 29 Setting the GROUP and ENDED NOTOK Fields in the Show Window


    COMMAND ===>        +---------------------------------------------------------+

    O RULE     ODATE    |                PLEASE SELECT SHOW OPTION                |

      ARSETVAR 111200   |  RULE                                                   |

                        |  JOBNAME                                                |

      ARWARN01 111200   |  MISSION                                                |

      ARWARN4A 111200   |  GROUP     INTRAC                                       |

      ARSETVAR 111200   |                                                         |

      BALINV   131200   |   IN PROCESS     Y  | ENDED        Y  | STATE        Y  |

    ======= >>>>>>>>>>  |  -------------------+-----------------+---------------  |

                        |  WAIT ACTIVATION Y  | ENDED OK     Y  | HELD         Y  |

                        |  BALANCING       Y  | ENDED NOTOK  N  | DELETED      Y  |

                        |                     | ENDED TOLER  Y  | FREED        Y  |

                        |         === SCOPE ===                                   |

                        |   SNG   STP   JOB   ALL   UNS                           |

                        |    Y     Y     Y     Y     Y                            |

                        |  COND                                                   |

                        |  IN CONDITIONS  YES Y NO Y                              |

                        |  OWNER                                                  |




    OPTIONS:  ? WHY  H HOLD  D DEL   F FREE  L LOG                         07.58.45

  4. Press Enter. The Active Balancing Environment screen now displays only those INTRAC group jobs ending with a status other than NOTOK.

    Figure 30 Results of the Sample Show Window Selections


    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

    O RULE     ODATE  SCP OWNER    JOBNAME ---------- STATUS ----------------------

      ARSETVAR 111200 UNS M66      IOAINSGS ENDED OK CODE=0000                    

      ARWARN01 111200 UNS M66      IOAINSGS ENDED OK CODE=0000                    

      ARWARN4A 111200 UNS M66      IOAINSGS ENDED OK CODE=0009                    

      ARWARN01 111200 JOB M66      *        WAIT ACTIVATION                       

      ARWARN01 111200 JOB M66      *        ENDED OK CODE=0000                    


      BALINV   131200 JOB M18B     M18GO    WAIT ACTIVATION                       

    ======= >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BOTTOM OF ACTIVE RULES <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< =======















    OPTIONS:  ? WHY  H HOLD  D DEL   F FREE  L LOG                         08.05.23

You have narrowed the scope of the Active Balancing Environment display. You are now able to monitor the status of the active balancing missions that you selected. In the STATUS field for each mission, you can see that these mission requests are either awaiting execution, being executed, or have recently completed execution.

In this example, you see two status types:

On a color monitor, you are able to see how the Management by Color approach helps you separate the various tasks by result.

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Active Balancing Environment