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Rule Activity

You can use the Control-M/Analyzer Rule Activity facility to obtain information about a job which executes a rule.

  1. If you are not working in the Primary Option menu, enter =1 at the COMMAND field.
  2. From the Primary Option Menu, enter BA in the OPTION field. The Control-M/Analyzer Rule Activity selection panel is displayed.

    Figure 15 Control-M/Analyzer Rule Activity Selection Panel

--------------------- CONTROL-M/Analyzer - RULE ACTIVITY --------------------(BA)

COMMAND/OPTION  ===>                                                          


SELECT BY:                                                                    

   GROUP        ===> INTRAC                Group name or * for all groups     

   USERID       ===>                       User name or prefix                

   JOBNAME      ===>                       Job name or prefix                 

   STEPNAME(S)  ===>                       Step name(s)                       

   REMARK       ===>                       Remark or prefix                   

   RULE         ===>                       Rule name                          

   CATEGORY     ===>                       Site-defined category or mask      

   DATE FROM    ===>        TO             Job date                           

   TIME FROM    ===>        TO             Job time                           


SELECT BY STATUS:                                                             

   OK           ===> Y                                                        

   Not OK       ===> Y                                                        

   In tolerance ===> Y                                                        


DISPLAY OPTIONS:                                                              

   Bypass panel ===> N                                                        

   Display type ===> A                                                        


FILL IN THE SELECTION CRITERIA, AND PRESS ENTER                        08.57.48

Note: It is preferable to enter the Rule Activity facility through the selection panel, rather than going directly to the Rule Activity screen using the Multi-Screen Control feature. Because the Multi-Screen Control feature often displays a large amount of information about all of the active Control-M/Analyzer rules, you would normally want to use the Rule Activity selection panel to display only a specific rule or group of rules.

Parent Topic

Introduction to Control-M/Analyzer Facilities