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In this exercise you will locate rules, learn what information is available about rules, and learn what a rule looks like. In Chapter 2, you will examine rules in more depth to learn how to build them in Control-M/Analyzer.

  1. From the Primary Option menu, type BR and press Enter. The Control-M/Analyzer Rule Definition entry panel is displayed.

    Figure 10 Control-M/Analyzer Rule Definition Entry Panel

------------------- CONTROL-M/Analyzer RULE DEFINITION - ENTRY PANEL ------(BR)

COMMAND ===>                                                                  




SPECIFY LIBRARY, RULE                                                        


   LIBRARY ===> CTB.PROD.RULES                                                

   RULE    ===>                     (Blank for rule selection list)           















USE THE COMMAND "SHPF" TO SEE PFK ASSIGNMENT                           08.40.15

In the Rule Definition entry panel you will examine the library of rules which exists for the example company, INTRAC.

  1. If the library name in the LIBRARY field in this example is different from your Control-M/Analyzer RULES library name, correct the example. The RULE field should be blank.
  2. Press Enter to display the List of Rules screen, which displays the rules in the Control-M/Analyzer RULES library.

    Figure 11 List of Rules Screen

LIST OF RULES  IN CTB.PROD.RULES                               ------------(BR)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

OPT  NAME ------------ VV.MM  CREATED     CHANGED     SIZE  INIT   MOD   ID   

     ARSETVAR          01.14 00/09/10 00/11/30 16:55    31    18     0 N14    

     ARWARN01          01.00 00/11/12 00/11/03 13:57    34    34     0 N14    

     ARWARN02          01.56 00/08/05 00/11/07 14:43    54    46     0 N19A   

     ARWARN03          01.48 00/08/05 00/11/08 10:50    34    46     0 M32A   

     ARWARN04          01.66 00/09/03 00/11/27 17:48   122    17     0 N34    

     ARWARN05          01.11 00/09/10 00/09/27 13:51    78    49     0 N34    

     ARWARN06          01.69 00/08/05 00/11/12 12:12    97    46     0 N19    

     ARWARN4A          01.66 00/09/05 00/11/12 12:12   122    17     0 N19    













OPTIONS:  S SELECT   B BROWSE   D DELETE  I INSERT  N NEW              08.41.23

Locate the rules shown in the above example in the list of rules on your screen.

Note: creen, you can press the standard PF07/PF19 (UP) and PF08/PF20 (DOWN) keys to scroll forward and backward through the list of rules.

By default, only member names are listed on the screen. However, if the default has been modified at time of installation, statistical information is displayed for each member name, as shown in the screen example above.

The screen has several options for performing functions on any of the rules displayed. These options are shown at the bottom of the screen, including:

Parent Topic

Introduction to Control-M/Analyzer Facilities