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Special 3800 Considerations

The 3800 AFP Laser Printer has almost the same technical capabilities as other AFP printers. It is important, however, to be aware of certain differences that can be very significant to some data centers.

The most significant difference is the size of the printer storage. The size of the printer storage determines how many external resources can be stored in the printer at a given time and the capability of the printer to print complex output. The standard printer storage for the 3800 Model 3 printer is up to 512 K. You can purchase a special feature called "3800 Storage Expansion Feature" to expand the storage. Using this feature, the printer storage can reach 4 MB. There is an additional feature called "3800 Accumulator" that can also improve printer performance. Although it is possible to expand the printer storage, most data centers that have the 3800 Model 3 do not have these features.

Therefore, when printing AFP output using the 3800 Laser Printer, try and keep the output simple (not complex) and use a smaller variety of external resources.

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Performance Considerations