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Using TRC for Printing Bar Codes

This technique is based on the Table Reference Characters (TRC) option. This option allows printing of output, using different fonts for each line of output data. The font to be used to print a specific line is specified in the second column of each line of output data – in our case, the second column of the user banner. If 0 is specified, the first font in the associated Font List is used to print this line. If 1 is specified, the second font in the Font List is used to print this line. If a blank is specified, then the first font is used (the default font). In our case, the first font is the regular default font used in the data center (required for regular text in the banner). The second font is the special bar code font. A complete description of this option appears in section "Specifying Fonts Using the CHARS Parameter" of the IBM 3800 Programmers Guide (SH35-0061).

The Font List can be specified as follows:

Using a special PAGEDEF containing a Font List (with the TRCREF command of PPFA).

When using the CHARS parameter, the Font List with the desired font names must be added to an OUTPUT statement in the CTDPRINT procedure.

When using parameters CHAR1, CHAR2, and so on, in the OUTPARM option, the Font List with the desired font names must be specified in the $$BANCHR member in the OUTPARMS library.

When using a special PAGEDEF, the PAGEDEF name must be specified in member $$BANCHR in the OUTPARMS library. It is also possible to specify an OUTPUT statement name in member $$BANCHR and specify the PAGEDEF name in the OUTPUT statement in CTDPRINT. That way, one of the OUTPUT statements in the CTDPRINT procedure specifies the printing characteristics of the banner.

In addition to the Font List, an indication that the banners are required to be printed using the TRC option must be added to the OUTPUT statement.

Control-D must be informed that banners are to be printed using a special OUTPUT statement. This can be accomplished by:

Following is an example of the OUTPUT statement that must be added to CTDPRINT and referenced from the OUTPARM option or from exit CTDUX003.








In this example, font GT12 is the default font and font BRCD is the special bar code font. Setting TRC to YES is the same as setting OPTCD to J in the DD DCB parameter.

The user banner (member $$USERST in the IOA BANNERS library) must be updated with the TRC indication in the second column of the line that is required to print the bar code. Then the banner variable %USER% must be added on the same line. If any additional data need to be printed in bar code format, they can be added in the banner.

Parent Topic

Bar Codes in Banners