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$SYSDATA Report Entries

$SYSDATA report entries represent the original report before the decollating process. $SYSDATA report entries are accessible to authorized users only.

Original report printing characteristics can be displayed (and modified if required) in the $SYSDATA records. $SYSDATA records appear in the Active and History Report Lists.

Figure 32 Active User Report List on $SYSDATA Records With Additional Information

  ACTIVE LIST    <A> JOB          REP                  USR MGT $SYSDATA CHILD (U)

  COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR


    M89RKSL  28600          JES2     JESMSGLG      1       25 08/08/00 - 11:21

    CDAM: CTDP.R5.M89RKSL.J28600.D3601121.S91.N004700    Extents: 00

    Record  ID         : AC2D25AE 54529000 RBA: 000004E0 UPDT: AC2D25AE 54529000

    Backup  Missions   :

    Backup  Volumes    :

    Restore Mission    :

    Creation Date      : D99360 - T112113       Status: Decollated

    Printing Parameters: CLASS: X  FORMS: STD   RECFM: UA     ALOPT :

                         APA  : N  FCB  : ****  LRECL: 00133  WTR   :

                         ACIF : N  UCS  : ****  BLKSZ: 00133  OUTPUT:

                         TRC  : N  FLASH:       OPTCD:        MODIF :

                                   LINCT: 0100  PGDEF:        FMDEF :

                         CHARS:      ,      ,      ,

    Job Parameters     : SYSID:      JTYPE:              ACCOUNT:

                         ENTRY:          -

  ------------------------------- end of record ---------------------------------

    M89RKSL  28600          JES2     JESJCL        3      231 08/08/00 - 11:21

    M89RKSL  28600          JES2     JESYSMSG     13      357 08/08/00 - 11:21

====== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   B O T T O M    O F    L I S T   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ======

P PRINT     V VIEW     U UPDATE     I INSERT     A ADD INFO     E EDIT        

X INDEX     N NOTE     G GIVETO     D DELETE     Q QUICK ACCESS       13.16.13

Parent Topic

Viewing and Overriding Printing Characteristics After Report Decollating