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Implementing the APAPARM Option

During the Control-D installation process, each channel attached (local) printer in the data center is defined. In CTDX003, the type of each printer is specified. CTDX003 resides in the IOA SAMPEXIT library. For each printer that is defined APA (for example, AFP printer), Control-D invokes the APAPARM option.

Example of the printer type definition in CTDX003 of AFP type printers:

Figure 27 Example of the Printer Type Definition in CTDX003 of AFP Type Printers

    CTDUX003        PRINTRS= (PRT1,APA,                             *

                             PRT2,APA,                              *

                             PRT3,APA,                              *

                             PRT4,APA),                             *

                             INDEX=ON,                              *


A special library is used to define the structured fields for each report. This library is allocated to DD statement DAAPA in the Control-D Printers Control monitor (that is, CTDPRINT). The original name of this library is olprefd.olverd.APAPARM.

The library can be defined with RECFM set to V or to F. BMC recommend that you set RECFM to V, because if you set RECFM to F, you must add four bytes (RDW) before every AFP structured field.

Note: Installations that already use the APAPARM option with a library that has RECFM set to F can use the CTDCNVAP utility (described in the procedure by that name in the IOA PROCLIB library) to automatically convert the setting of RECFM to V.

The APAPARM library contains one member for each job which produces output that requires structured fields to be inserted. The member name must be identical to the job name. Each member contains structured fields for all reports produced by the job.

Note: Not all the AFP jobs and reports require the use of the APAPARM option. Only those jobs that create reports requiring the insertion of in-line resources must have a corresponding member in the APAPARM library.

In each member, there must be one line for each report produced (or group of reports if using masking for the report name) in the following format:

+++repname        (+++ starts in column 1)

Table 3 APAPARM Format




Identification that the line is a report name line.


This is the name of the report (maximum 20 characters). repname must be the same as the name of the report specified in the Report Decollating DO NAME parameter. repname can contain either the full report name, prefix of report name or a mask of report name or names. The report name or names mask may be composed of characters, asterisks (*) and question marks (?):

*—Any character, group of characters, or no character

?—A single character

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The APAPARM Option