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Control-V Entry Panel Display Types

In Entry Panel Fields you determined which reports appeared in Report lists by specifying report selection criteria in the Control-D User Reports entry panel. The Control-V entry panel is similar but, in addition, it enables you to limit the listed reports to those that have and/or have not migrated to another storage media, and to those that contain specified indexes and index values.

This exercise helps you learn about the Control-V Online Viewing facility and its entry panel fields.

  1. Enter the Online Viewing facility.

    The User Reports entry panel is displayed.

  2. Type DI A in the COMMAND field and press Enter.

    Display type A (All Fields) of the entry panel is displayed.

    Figure 147 Entry Panel All Fields Display Type

    -------------------- CONTROL-D/V - USER REPORTS ENTRY PANEL  ---------------(U)

    COMMAND/OPTION  ===>                      1. PERMANENT 2. ACTIVE/MIG 3. HISTORY

    SELECT BY:                                                                    

       REPORT NAME  ===>                       Report name, prefix or mask        

       USER         ===>                       Recipient name or prefix           

       CHILD        ===> Y                     Y-with children                    

       JOB NAME     ===>                       Job name, prefix or mask           

       REMARK/ CCs  ===>                       Remark or CC of job               

       CATEGORY     ===>                       Category or mask                  

       DATE FROM    ===>        TO             Report date or relative day        

       TIME FROM    ===>        TO             Report time                        

       MIGRATED     ===> N                     Include migrated reports           

       INDEX        ===>                       Index name, prefix or mask         

       VALUE        ===>                                                         

    SELECT BY STATUS / DISPLAY OPTIONS:                                          

       Decollated   ===> Y                     Wait decollation   ===> N         

       Wait print   ===> Y                     Restored only      ===> N         

       Printed      ===> Y                     Wait restore only  ===> N         

       Not printed  ===> Y                     Wait backup only   ===> N         

       Bypass panel ===> N                     Show rulers        ===> N         

       Display type ===> D                     Show control chars ===> Y         




    Display type A is analogous to the Control-D display type E (Extended) entry panel, except that it also contains the following Control-V fields:

    Table 19 Control-V Fields in the User Reports Entry Panel




    Control-V reports typically migrate from DASD to cartridge or other less expensive media for long term storage. Reports that have not yet migrated are called "active," but both active and migrated reports can be retrieved for online viewing.

    Valid values are:

    • Y – Yes, the default. Lists both active and migrated reports in the User Report list.
    • N – No. Lists active reports only. Specify O (Only) to list migrated reports only.


    This field enables you to specify a name, prefix or mask that is to be compared with the name assigned to each main index of a Control-V report. Each report can have from 0 to 9 main indexes. Up to three main indexes can remain disk-resident after a report migrates.

    Mask characters are symbols that can be used to represent any characters in this field.

    • ?represents any one character
    • * – represents any number of adjacent characters (including no characters)


    This field enables you to specify a value or prefix that is to be compared with the values in a main index. If only one value in a resident index matches this field, that value is used to select report pages or sections for the View and Print commands.

    An abbreviated display type analogous to the Control-D display type D (Default) is available for Control-V. This display type, display type V, contains the Control-V fields just described. It is the default display type for Control-V.

  3. Type DI V in the COMMAND field and press Enter to display the default Control-V entry panel.

    Figure 148 Display Type V: The Default Entry Panel for Control-V

    -------------------- CONTROL-D/V - USER REPORTS ENTRY PANEL  ---------------(U)

    COMMAND ===>                                                                  


         OPTIONS ===>               1. PERMANENT  2. ACTIVE/MIGRATED  3. HISTORY   


          REPORT NAME   ===>                       Report name, prefix or mask     

          USER          ===>                       Recipient name or prefix        

          DATE FROM     ===>        TO             Report date or relative day     

          JOBNAME       ===>                       Job name, prefix or mask        


          SHOW MIGRATED ===> N                     Include migrated reports        


          INDEX         ===>                       Index name, prefix or mask      

          VALUE         ===>                                                      


          DISPLAY TYPE  ===> D                     BYPASS PANEL ===> N            



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Viewing with Control-V