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Using the Show Options Window

If you find that you want to alter the value of a field that does not appear in the Default display type, you do not have to change display types. Instead, you can display the missing fields in the Show Options window.

You can call up the Show Options window and change a value, by following these steps:

  1. Type SH on the command line and press Enter to display the Show Options window of the Entry Panel. This window displays all the fields from the Extended display type that do not appear in the Default display type.

    Figure 145 Show Option Window of the Default User Reports Entry Panel

    -------------------- CONTROL-D  -  USER REPORTS ENTRY PANEL  ---------------(U)

    COMMAND ===>  +--------------------------------------------------------------+

                  |                                                              |

                  |                  PLEASE SELECT SHOW OPTIONS                  |

        OPTIONS = |                                                              |

                  |  CHILD        ===> Y                    Y-with children      |

                  |  REMARK / CCs ===>                      Remark or CC of job  |

         REPORT N |  CATEGORY     ===>                      Category or mask     |

         USER     |  TIME FROM    ===>        TO            Report time          |

         DATE FRO |                                                              |

         JOBNAME  |  SELECT BY STATUS:                                           |

                  |                                                              |

                  |  DECOLLATED   ===> Y      WAIT DECOLLATION   ===> N          |

                  |  WAIT PRINT   ===> Y      RESTORED ONLY      ===> N          |

                  |  PRINTED      ===> Y      WAIT RESTORE ONLY  ===> N          |

                  |  NOT PRINTED  ===> Y      WAIT BACKUP ONLY   ===> N          |

                  |                                                              |

                  |  DISPLAY OPTIONS:                                            |

                  |                                                              |

         DISPLAY  |  SHOW RULERS  ===> N      SHOW CONTROL CHARS ===> Y          |

                  |                                                              |




  2. Change the value in the SHOW RULERS field from Y (Yes) to N (No), and press Enter.

    The Show Options window closes. If you were to change display types to E (Extended), the SHOW RULERS field would now contain the value N. If you were to enter the Active User Report List screen, rulers would not be displayed.

Parent Topic

Using the Default Display Type Entry Panel