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Creating Tag Notes
  1. Press the DOWN key (PF08/ PF20).

    The report scrolls down a screen. The record for N. TRACEY is displayed at the top of the list.

  2. Use the arrow keys to position the cursor on the first letter (S) in the name S. HAWTHORNE, and then press the TAGNOTE key (PF06/PF18).

    The S is now displayed in red and you are prompted to identify the end of the tag substring.

  3. Use the arrow keys until the cursor is positioned on the last letter (E) in the name S. HAWTHORNE Press the TAGNOTE key (PF06/PF18) again.

    The Tag Note window is opened. The cursor is positioned at the first text position in the window.

    Figure 56 Tag Note In The Report Viewing Screen

    ------------- CONTROL-D/V REPORT VIEWING   NOTES        PAGE      1 OF        3

    COMMAND ===>      +---------------------NOTE PAD FACILITY--------------(TAG)-+

    USR DEMO     REP  | EDIT       VERSION  0001     M21       05/05/00 16:48:28 |

    ----+----1----+--- |                                                          |

    1            E M P |                                                          |

    EMPLOYEE     EMPL |                                                          |

        NO.         NA |                                                          |

    --------  ------- |                                                          |

      66115    N. TRAC |                                                          |

      66116    D. KRAY |                                                          |

      66117    S. HAWT |                                                          |

      66118    T. WOOD |                                                          |

      66119    J. SCHO |                                                          |

      66120    D. GRAD |    F3:END               F7:CLEAR             F8:DELETE   |

      66121    J. GOLD +----F5:SAVE--------------F10:PREV-------------F11:NEXT----+

      66122    H. UHRBACH        03    29,000   XXX-YY-ZZZZ      5

      66123    C. GANES          07    28,000   XXX-YY-ZZZZ      2

      66124    B. WAGNER         02    32,000   XXX-YY-ZZZZ      3

      66125    J. O'LEARY        18    33,000   XXX-YY-ZZZZ      1

      66126    D. HENRICH        02    70,000   XXX-YY-ZZZZ      5

      66127    S. LUGAR          28    42,000   XXX-YY-ZZZZ      4

      66128    A. BALTER         03    29,000   XXX-YY-ZZZZ      2

      66129    E. BIRCH          10    27,000   XXX-YY-ZZZZ      2

    CMDS: FIND str (PREV), EDIT, RULER on/off/name, VALUE, N n P n        14.45.00

  4. Type the following string in the window: From D. Henrich: While S. Hawthorne is on temporary leave, all matters normally handled by her should be referred to J. Golden (Rm. 06). If there is a problem, contact me.
  5. Press the END key (PF03/PF15).

    The Exit Option window is displayed, prompting you to create the note.

    Figure 57 Exit Option Window after Typing Tag Note

    ------------- CONTROL-D/V REPORT VIEWING   NOTES    0   PAGE      1 OF        3

    COMMAND ===>      +---------------------NOTE PAD FACILITY--------------(TAG)-+

    USR DEMO     REP  | EDIT       VERSION  0001     M21       05/05/00 16:48:28 |

    ----+----1----+--- | FROM D. HENRICH:                                         |


    EMPLOYEE     EMPL | NORM +--------------------------------------------+ DEN  |

        NO.         NA | (RM. |          PLEASE SELECT EXIT OPTION         |      |

    --------  ------- |      |                                            |      |

      66115    N. TRAC |      |               CREATE   (Y/N)               |      |

      66116    D. KRAY |      +--------------------------------------------+      |

      66117    S. HAWT |                                                          |

      66118    T. WOOD |                                                          |

      66119    J. SCHO |                                                          |

      66120    D. GRAD |    F3:END               F7:CLEAR             F8:DELETE   |

      66121    J. GOLD +----F5:SAVE--------------F10:PREV-------------F11:NEXT----+

      66122    H. UHRBACH        03    29,000   XXX-YY-ZZZZ      5

      66123    C. GANES          07    28,000   XXX-YY-ZZZZ      2

      66124    B. WAGNER         02    32,000   XXX-YY-ZZZZ      3

      66125    J. O'LEARY        18    33,000   XXX-YY-ZZZZ      1

      66126    D. HENRICH        02    70,000   XXX-YY-ZZZZ      5

      66127    S. LUGAR          28    42,000   XXX-YY-ZZZZ      4

      66128    A. BALTER         03    29,000   XXX-YY-ZZZZ      2

      66129    E. BIRCH          10    27,000   XXX-YY-ZZZZ      2

    CMDS: FIND str (PREV), EDIT, RULER on/off/name, VALUE, N n P n        14.45.00

  6. Type Y (Yes) to create the note, and press Enter.

    The Exit Option window and Tag Note window are closed. The note is saved.

    The number of Tag notes in the report is indicated in the top line of the screen.

    ------------- CONTROL-D/V REPORT VIEWING   NOTES    1   PAGE      1 OF        3

    Notice that the tagged string (S. Hawthorne) is displayed in red. By default, whenever a report is displayed in the Report Viewing screen, strings having attached notes are displayed in red.

    Note: Specifying the SHOWNOTE command (abbreviated SHOWN) alternately changes the color of tagged strings between red and the color of the report line.

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Notepad Facility and Tag Notes