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Include Screen

The Include Lines Based On Strings screen limits the records included in a report to those records containing specified strings in specified locations.

This exercise shows you how to include records that contain the string 08 in columns 30 through 31 (the OFFICE NO. field).

  1. Press NEWLINE.

    The cursor is positioned in the first STR (string) field.

  2. Type in 08 and press Tab.

    The cursor is positioned in the COL from field.

  3. Type in 030.

    The cursor automatically tabs to the COL to field.

  4. Type in 031.

    Your entry should look like the one displayed below:

    Figure 49 Selecting Lines to Include

    ----------------  CONTROL-D - INCLUDE LINES BASED ON STRINGS  ----------(U.E.2)

    COMMAND ===>                                                  Apply on header N


    STR 08                               COL 030 - 031 LINE     -     COLOR   HL

    STR                                  COL     -     LINE     -     COLOR   HL

    STR                                  COL     -     LINE     -     COLOR   HL

    STR                                  COL     -     LINE     -     COLOR   HL

    In this example, the report is limited to records containing a single specified string in a specified column range. However, the Include Lines Based on Strings screen contains twenty lines for string specification and a different string and column-range may be specified on each line of the screen. Records having at least one of the specified strings will be included in the report.

  5. Press the QUICKVIEW key (PF04/PF16) to check the results of the Include edits.

    The Report Viewing screen is displayed.

    Figure 50 Results of Include Edits

    ------------- CONTROL-D/V REPORT VIEWING   NOTES    0   PAGE      1 OF        3

    COMMAND ===>                                                   SCROLL ===> CRSR



    1            E M P L O Y E E S     R E P O R T    -----    FOR MARKETING   DEPAR


        NO.         NAME         NO.    SAL    SECURITY NO.  DEPENDENTS    CODE

    --------  --------------  ------  ------  ------------  ----------  ---------

      66047    A. FELSEN         08    27,500   XXX-YY-ZZZZ      2

      66050    T. HUBERTY        08    27,500   XXX-YY-ZZZZ      2

      66052    K. WOOD           08    26,000   XXX-YY-ZZZZ      2

      66056    H. RUNDLE         08    26,000   XXX-YY-ZZZZ      2

      66115    N. TRACEY         08    23,000   XXX-YY-ZZZZ      1

      66133    J. BRENNAN        08    27,000   XXX-YY-ZZZZ      1

      66155    M. GOLIGER        08    50,000   XXX-YY-ZZZZ      2

    ======= >>>>>>>>>>>>>> END OF SCROLLABLE DATA IN PAGE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< =====

    Only employees from Office Number 08 are included in the report.

  6. Press the QUICKVIEW key (PF04/PF16) to begin to save the ruler.

    The Include Lines Based on Strings screen is again displayed.

  7. Press the END key (PF03/PF15) to return to the Report Editing screen.
  8. Press the END key (PF03/PF15) again, to display the Exit Option window.
  9. Fill in the fields of the Exit Option window as follows and press Enter to save the ruler with a new name.

Parent Topic

Basic Report Viewing and Editing (Using Rulers)