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Tailoring the Banners

Bundles printed by Control-D are preceded by a header banner page, and each group of reports (or parts of reports) belonging to a specific user is separated by a banner page. Each report within the group of reports for a specific user is also separated by a banner page.

Banners are printed by printing missions and by the immediate print option.

A sample BANNERS library is supplied as part of the Control-D installation. The banners printed in Part 1 are from the sample banners. Each type of banner is defined in a regular PDS member. The supplied banners are:

Table 7 Supplied Banners




Start of bundle banner


End of bundle banner


Start of a user (recipient) reports banner


End of a user (recipient) reports banner


Start of report banner


End of report banner


Header of reports index


Format of each index line


Start banner of immediate print requests


End banner of immediate print requests

Banners are optional and do not have to be printed. To delete a banner, simply rename the member for the specific banner type. For example, to delete the start of report banner and end of report banner, rename the following two members $$REPSTA and $$REPEND in the BANNERS library.

The supplied banners are samples that can easily be modified. Since the banners are regular PDS members, you can edit and change their format. Additional options, such as enlarging characters of the user address on the banner at the beginning of the user bundle, are explained in the Control-D chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.

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Preparing for Production