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Deleting a Disk Copy of Unneeded Reports

Once a report is no longer needed for online viewing (or printing), it can be deleted from disk. The utility that performs this task is CTDDELRP.

CTDDELRP performs the following tasks:

The Control-D JCL library contains member CTDDELRP. The supplied utility deletes all reports that have been printed and/or backed up (if requested) without waiting additional days. You can change the DAYS parameter to a different value. (For example, a value of 1 saves all reports on disk for 1 day after the day of creation.)

It is recommended that you run this utility once a day, preferably after all backups have finished executing.

However, for test purposes, it is desirable to run this utility more than once a day. After decollating a test report, it is frequently required to delete the report produced from disk. Sample JCL CTDDELR1 in the Control-D JCL library performs this task.

Additional parameters are optional. It is recommended that you review them.

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Control-D Utilities