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Setting Up Automatic Orders of Missions

All missions in Control-D can be ordered manually or automatically. In the Walkthrough, you ordered certain missions manually. Other missions (printing, backup and restore) were ordered automatically. Here are a number of suggestions about how to order missions automatically.

The Control-D New Day Procedure (CTDNDAY) orders missions automatically every time it executes (once a day – the exact time is defined during the installation process). The New Day Procedure executes at the beginning of your working day. Therefore, all required missions can be ordered by CTDNDAY for the coming working day.

CTDNDAY orders for each mission type are contained in members found in the Control-D PARM library. These members are:

Table 6 CTDNDAY Mission Lists




List of all printing missions to be ordered.


List of all backup missions to be ordered.


List of all restore missions to be ordered.


List of all (non-Generic) report decollating missions to be ordered.


List of all generic report decollating missions to be ordered.

Update these members to include any new missions to be ordered.

Missions can be ordered independently (not by CTDNDAY) by using a batch job. Reserve the batch method for special circumstances, such as ordering report decollating missions automatically, at a different time than the time when CTDNDAY executes. As a general rule, order all generic decollating missions by the CTDNDAY procedure. For detailed information about ordering missions, see Chapter 5 of the Control-D and Control-V User Guide.

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Preparing for Production