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Building the Recipient Tree

The Recipient Tree is a list of all possible report recipients. The tree can be organized in many ways. The simplest design is a non-hierarchical list of all users that is primarily used during early stages of Control-D implementation. However, the benefits of Control-D can be maximized by using a hierarchical Recipient Tree.

Experience working with Control-D implementation suggests that you should not try to define the "best tree" before you implementing Control-D. Instead, you must first implement a basic hierarchical tree following the guidelines in Chapter 7 of the Control-D and Control-V User Guide. You can modify the tree structure and contents as you become more familiar with different options of the product, and as you gain a greater understanding of the implications of tree changes in your report distribution environment.

In general, if you find that you are spending too much time designing the "best tree," simply choose one of the alternatives you have been considering and modify it by trial and error until it fits your environment. You see results much faster this way.

Two of the supplied utilities can help you define the basic recipient tree required for starting implementation of Control-D.

Table 4 Recipient Tree Utilities




Creates a recipient entry for each user (TSO-user) defined in the CTD JCL Library.


Creates a recipient entry for each user name that appears in a specified line and column range within a given report (similar to the USER = * option in the report decollating mission).

The IOA SAMPLE library contains an example of each utility with detailed information.

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