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Selecting Reports to be Restored
  1. Type 3 in the OPTIONS field.
  2. In the USER field of the User Reports entry panel, type MGT and press Enter.

    In the Show Option Window, ensure that Y appears in the CHILD field. Also ensure that the SELECT BY fields are blank. For information about the Show Option Window, see Online Facilities chapter of the Control-D and Control-V User Guide.

  3. Position the cursor in the DISPLAY TYPE field.
  4. Type D and press Enter. The History List is displayed.

    Figure 41 Restore Mission Example

    HISTORY LIST   <D> JOB          REP                      USR          CHILD (U)

    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

    O USER     REPORT               ODATE     PAGES    LINES STATUS               

       DEV      EMPLOYEES REPORT              

                                     05/05/00      1       18 Backed up            

       MKT      EMPLOYEES REPORT               

                                     05/05/00      9      427 Backed up            

       PROD     EMPLOYEES REPORT                 

                                     05/05/00      9      427 Backed up            

    ====== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   B O T T O M    O F    L I S T   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ======












    At this point, you may select a number of reports you want to restore.

  5. Type R to the left of the reports you want to restore and press Enter.

    A Restore Confirmation window is displayed

    Figure 42 Restore Confirmation Window

    HISTORY LIST   <D> JOB          REP                      USR          CHILD (U)

    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

    O USER     REPORT               ODATE     PAGES    LINES STATUS               

       DEV      EMPLOYEES REPORT          +------------------------------+         

                                          | CONFIRM           :          |         

    R MKT      EMPLOYEES REPORT    <-----| BY RESTORE MISSION: RST0060M |         


    R PROD     EMPLOYEES REPORT               

                                     05/05/00      9      427 Backed up            

    ====== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   B O T T O M    O F    L I S T   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ======
















    The cursor is positioned in the CONFIRM field of the Restore Confirmation window.

  6. Type Y.

    RST0060M appears in the BY RESTORE MISSIONS FIELD field. If it does not appear:

  7. Type RST0060M. Press Enter.

    The following message is displayed on the top line of the screen:

    CTD954I REPORT reportname/jobname/username/ SET FOR RESTORE

    A Restore Confirmation window is displayed for each report you identified for restoration. Press Enter after each Restore Confirmation window is displayed.

    Wait Restore status is applied to the reports you identified for restoration. If you change your mind and do not want to restore one or more reports, you may use the C (No-Restore) option by typing C in the OPT field, to the left of any report you do not want to restore (even though you previously requested that it be restored).

Parent Topic

Restore Missions