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Decollating a Report Directly from CDAM

Control-D uses two report processing techniques:

This exercise illustrates the CDAM technique.

  1. From the IOA Primary Option menu, select Option R and press Enter. The Report Decollating Mission Definition entry panel is displayed.
  2. If the library name in the LIBRARY field is not the same as your Control-D REPORTS Library name, correct it.
  3. Press Enter. The Job List screen is displayed.
  4. Position the cursor in the OPT field to the left of the jobnamR2 mission.
  5. Type S and press Enter. The Category List screen is displayed.
  6. Position the cursor in the OPT field to the left of category DAILY.
  7. Type S and press Enter. The Report Decollating Mission Definition screen is displayed.
  8. A decollating mission uses the CDAM technique, as opposed to the basic technique, when the ON statement in the mission is defined as ON DSN. Examine the ON statement for this decollating definition, as it appears below:

    ON DSN JOBNAME=jobnameR2

    Parameter DSN indicates to Control-D that the specified output was created directly to a CDAM dataset. Parameter JOBNAME instructs Control-D to handle all output created by this job.

  9. Press PF03/PF15 twice to order the decollating mission.
  10. If you made any changes in the decollating mission, an Exit Option window is displayed.

    Type N in the SAVE field and press Enter. The cursor is positioned to the left of the decollating mission you have just exited.
  11. Type O and press Enter. The following confirmation window appears:

    Figure 37 Confirmation Window

    LIST OF JOBS LIB: CTD.PROD.REPORTS                              ----------------

    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

    OPT  NAME ------------ VV.MM  CREATED     CHANGED     SIZE  INIT   MOD   ID

         PRODJCL           01.01  00/03/03 00/04/04 12:11   14    12     0 M73

         jobnamR1               +-------------------------------+ 31     0 M55A

    O   jobnamR2   <-----------|   CONFIRM     ODATE 050500    | 31     0 M55A

    ====== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  +-------------------------------+ <<<<<<<<<<< =====

    OPTIONS:  S SELECT  O ORDER    F FORCE    B BROWSE    D DELETE          18.30.53

    Note: The job name prefix (jobnam) was automatically updated during the installation process with the user job name prefix defined by your data center.

  12. Type Y in the CONFIRM field and press Enter. The following screen is displayed:

    ----------------------- CONTROL-D REPORT ORDER MESSAGES ------------------(R.O)

    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR





    ====== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>      END OF MESSAGE LIST      <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< =====

    The decollating mission has just been ordered.

  13. In the Control-D JCL library, there is a member named REPORT2. Edit the member with either ISPF, ROSCOE, or any of the other online environments supported by Control-D.

    This job's output (report) is created directly to CDAM compressed datasets, and is not created on spool.

    Find the following DD card named SYSUT2 in the job:


    This is the only change in the JCL required to create reports directly to CDAM.

    Note: For more information about optional CDAM parameters, see Chapter 5 of the Control-D and Control-V User Guide.

    Verify that this job is authorized to create Control-D output datasets by your local security package (RACF, ACF2, TOP SECRET, and so on).

  14. Submit the job.
  15. Again, you can track the mission on the Active Missions screen. When the mission receives an ENDED OK status, you may proceed.

Transfer to the Active Report List screen, and select for viewing the report that was just decollated (in the same way you viewed reports previously).

Parent Topic

Report Decollating Missions – Job