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Editing Report Lines and Columns

Edit report lines and columns as follows:

  1. Type 1 in the COMMAND field and press Enter. The Edit Report Lines and Columns screen is displayed.

    Figure 34 Edit Report Lines and Columns Screen

    -----------------  CONTROL-D - EDIT REPORT LINES AND COLUMNS  ----------(U.E.1)

    COMMAND ===>                                          SP CHAR    SCROLL===> CRSR

    USR  MKT           JOB  jobnamR1 RULER DEFAULT   TYPE VIEW


    O ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+--

      1            E M P L O Y E E S     R E P O R T    -----    FOR MARKETING   DE


          NO.         NAME         NO.    SAL    SECURITY NO.  DEPENDENTS    CODE

       --------  --------------  ------  ------  ------------  ----------  --------

        66002    A. HABER          07    31,000   XXX-YY-ZZZZ      2

        66019    K. HARARI         16    35,500   XXX-YY-ZZZZ      3

        66043    K. TURRO          02    29,000   XXX-YY-ZZZZ      1

        66045    W. MAY            04    35,000   XXX-YY-ZZZZ      4

        66047    A. FELSEN         08    27,500   XXX-YY-ZZZZ      2

        66050    T. HUBERTY        08    27,500   XXX-YY-ZZZZ      2

        66052    K. WOOD           08    26,000   XXX-YY-ZZZZ      2

        66056    H. RUNDLE         08    26,000   XXX-YY-ZZZZ      2

        66059    L. WEST           26    38,000   XXX-YY-ZZZZ      2

        66078    N. LAMBERT        18    29,000   XXX-YY-ZZZZ      3

        66096    J. SHARPTON       09    29,000   XXX-YY-ZZZZ      3

        66112    K. BENNETT        04    29,000   XXX-YY-ZZZZ      3

        66113    T. OGURA          03    28,000   XXX-YY-ZZZZ      4

        66114    S. MCCLURE        02    37,500   XXX-YY-ZZZZ      2

        66115    N. TRACEY         08    23,000   XXX-YY-ZZZZ      1


    The original report is displayed in the Edit Report Lines and Columns screen.

  2. The first line of the report is not relevant and can be removed, as follows:
    1. Position the cursor to the left of the first line of the report in the OPT field.
    2. Type D. The cursor automatically moves to the next line. The following three lines will be used for the headers of our report.
  3. Type H three times. These lines will be the header lines for the edited report.
  4. Press PF04/PF16 to see how these edits affect the appearance of this edited report.

    Note: PF04/PF16 is used to alternately display the ruler definition and the report.

    You can see that the line you deleted does not appear. Notice that the three header lines are highlighted. Scroll down using PF08/PF20 and notice that the header lines do not scroll. To scroll up press PF07/PF19.

  5. Press PF04/PF16 to return to Edit mode.

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Report Editing