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Sample Job Decollating Mission
  1. In the Control-D JCL library, there is a member named REPORT1. Edit member REPORT1 (with either ISPF, ROSCOE, or one of the other online environments supported by Control-D).

    This job creates two sample reports, one report produced by each of the two steps in the job.

    The reports are produced in class D. If this class is not convenient, change it to a different output class. Be sure to choose a class whose reports are not printed or purged before Control-D gains control. Do not use the same class that was used for the generic decollating mission.

  2. Submit the job.
  3. View the reports created by the job on spool (using FLASHER, SDSF, and so on).
  4. Return to the Control-D Online facility and the IOA Primary Option menu.
  5. Select Option R and press Enter. The Control-D Report Decollating Mission Definition entry panel is displayed.

    Figure 22 Report Decollating Mission Definition Entry Panel


    COMMAND ===>



    JOB       ===>                      (Blank for job selection list)

    CATEGORY  ===>                      (Blank for category selection list)


    USE THE COMMAND "SHPF" TO SEE PFK ASSIGNMENT                           18.12.23

  6. If the LIBRARY field does not contain the name of your Control-D REPORTS library, correct it.
  7. Press Enter. A list of all decollating missions used throughout the Getting Started Guide is displayed.

    Figure 23 List of All Decollating Missions in the Getting Started Guide

    LIST OF JOBS LIB: CTD.PROD.REPORTS                         ----------------

    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

    OPT  NAME ------------ VV.MM  CREATED     CHANGED     SIZE  INIT   MOD   ID   

          PRODJCL           01.02 00/03/03 00/04/04 15:50    14    12     0 M73   

          jobnamR1          01.05 00/05/05 00/05/05 12:51    31    31     0 M55A   

          jobnamR2          01.01 00/05/05 00/05/25 14:49    31    31     0 M55A   

    ====== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NO MORE JOBS IN LIBRARY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< =====




    OPTIONS:  S SELECT   O ORDER   F FORCE   B BROWSE   D DELETE           14.50.25

    The name of the mission to activate is jobnamR1.

    Note: The job name prefix (jobnam) was automatically updated with the user job name prefix defined by your data center.

  8. Position the cursor in the OPT field, to the left of the jobnamR1 mission.
  9. Type S and press Enter. The Category List screen is displayed.

    Figure 24 Decollation Mission Categories

    CATEGORIES OF LIB CTD.PROD.REPORTS                                JOB: jobnamR1

    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

    OPT  NAME ---------------------------------------------------------------------


    ====== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>  NO MORE CATEGORIES FOR THE JOB <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< =====

    OPTIONS:   S SELECT    D DELETE    I INSERT    O ORDER    F FORCE       18.17.14

    Each decollating mission consists of one or more categories. In this example, jobnamR1 consists of just one category. For more information about categories, see Chapter 3 of the Control-D and Control-V User Guide.

  10. Position the cursor under the OPT field, to the left of category DAILY.
  11. Type S and press Enter. The report decollating mission definition for category DAILY is displayed.

    Figure 25 Predefined Report Decollating Mission Definition

    ----- CONTROL-D/V CATEGORY DAILY                JOB  jobnamR1 ----------- (R.S)

    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR


       CATEGORY DAILY                  JOBNAME jobnamR1  GENERIC    MONITOR        


       DEF COPIES 01 LVL    USER UNIDENT              DEST          MAX COPIES     


       ON CLASS      = D         EXTWTR               DEST          FORM           

       PRT COPIES    LVL    USER                      DEST          MAX COPIES     

           PRINT/CDAM PARMS =                                                      

       WHEN LINE 00003 - 00003 COL 00034 - 00050 PRINT   REF NXT   CT     AND/OR

            STRING = INVENTORY REPORT                                             

         DO USER     = WAREHOUSE             LVL    LINE     COL     -     S N T   

                                             SYNONYM =       CONCAT =              

         DO USER     = PRODUCTION            LVL    LINE     COL     -     S N T   

                                             SYNONYM =       CONCAT =              

         DO NAME     = INVENTORY REPORT         

         DO PRINT    = STD                                   COL     -            

         DO BACKUP   = BKP0007D                                                   


       WHEN LINE 00001 - 00001 COL 00014 - 00046 PRINT   REF NXT   CT     AND/OR

            STRING = E M P L O Y E E S     R E P O R T                             

         DO NAME     = EMPLOYEES REPORT         

         DO USER     = *                     LVL    LINE     COL 064 - 074 S N T   

         DO USER     = *                     LVL    LINE     COL 064 - 074 S N T   

                                             SYNONYM =       CONCAT =              

         DO PRINT    = STD                                   COL     -            

         DO BACKUP   = BKP0007D                                                   


       WHEN LINE       -       COL       -       PRINT   REF NXT   CT     AND/OR

            STRING =                                                               


  12. Look at a predefined report decollating mission definition. At this stage, you need only a few of the parameter fields. In general, Control-D lets you see all the parameters for each mission in a single screen. However, only a few of the parameters are used for each mission.

    Note the following fields:

    Table 2 Decollation Parameters



    JOBNAME jobnamR1

    Name of the job that produces the reports to be processed by the decollating mission.


    Job class output to be processed. If you changed the output class in the job that created the reports, make the same change here as well.



    WHEN line and column range parameters are used to indicate the report page area in which the identifying character string is located.


    After the report page is identified, the DO statement instructs Control-D what to do with the report. Any number of DO statements can be specified:

    • DO USER=recipient name
      All output identified by the above WHEN statement is directed to the specified recipient. Notice the second WHEN statement. The DO USER statement under it specifies an asterisk (*). This instructs Control-D to retrieve the recipient name (or synonym) from the report itself.
    • DO NAME=report name
      All output identified by the above WHEN statement is assigned this name in Control-D.
      All output identified by the above WHEN statement is printed on your data center's standard (STD) form.
    • DO BACKUP=BKP0007D
      All output identified by the above WHEN statement is backed up to tape or cartridge and retained for a week.
  13. Press PF03/PF15 to return to the Category List screen.
  14. Press PF03/PF15 again. The Job List screen is displayed.

    If you modified in the report decollating mission, the Exit Option window is displayed.

  15. Type Y in the SAVE field and press Enter.

    Y stands for YES SAVE, so that the modifications you made are saved.

  16. Continue with the next exercise to order the mission.

Parent Topic

Report Separation Method