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Immediate Printing

There are two ways to print in Control-D:

This exercise illustrates how to perform immediate printing.

  1. On the Active List screen, position the cursor to the left of the MSGCLASS output you decide to print.
  2. Type P and press Enter. The Online Print Option window is displayed.

    Figure 21 Online Print Option Window

    ACTIVE LIST    <J> JOB          REP                      USR PRODCNTL       (U)

    COMMAND ===>     +----------------------------------------------------------+ R

    O JOBNAME   JNUM |                                                          |

       PRDRPTS2  8879 |  PRINT OPTION ===>                                       |

       PRDKPL01  9723 |                                                          |

       M22PRO1   8042 |    1  Immediate Printing                                 |

       M22PRO2   8059 |    2  Deferred Printing (by Print Mission)               |

       M010ERM   8068 |    X  Exit (no action)                                   |

       M200EP3   8100 |                                                          |

       M22PARM   8218 |    COPIES  001             FORM STD       CLASS S        |

    P M12AWDT   8423 |                                                          |

       M08STMIS  9261 |    DEST                      WTR                         |

       M0869REP  9262 |                                                          |

       M225MANL  8443 |    FROM PAGE 000001 TO PAGE 000024  RULER DEFAULT        |

       M225MSGD  8463 |                                                          |

       M28RPTU   8521 |    PRINT MISSIONS                                        |

       M12WTO2   8650 |                                                          |

       M12AMWTO  8655 |    PAGEDEF            FORMDEF                            |

       PRDKPL01  8657 |                                                          |

       M14TES1   8690 |  REPORT PRODUCTION JCL                                   |

       M19SMPJ   8716 |  USER PRODCNTL   JOB M12AWDT                             |

       M20INSCD  8365 |                                                          |

       M19SMPJ   8716 +----------------------------------------------------------


  3. Change the parameters in the window to fit your requirements. For example, change the DEST parameter to print at a remote printer (as opposed to the main computer printer), or change the copy count or page range.
  4. Type 1 (for Immediate Printing) and press Enter. The following message is displayed on the top line of the screen:

    CTD947I REPORT PRINTED OK - FROM ACTIVE FILE jobname/username/reportname

    Your report was sent to the spool for printing. The output has the same name as your logon ID (when working under TSO).

  5. Earlier, you saw that MSGCLASS output is much easier to analyze with the ruler activated. In the following steps, you are going to print the output with the ruler activated. A ruler similar to the ruler you used for viewing is defined for printing.

    Note: A ruler is defined for either viewing or printing.

    Position the cursor to the left of the report you just printed without a ruler activated.

  6. Type P and press Enter. The same Print Option window you saw earlier is displayed again.
  7. Type the same parameters that you typed previously.
  8. Add an additional parameter as follows:
    1. Type 1.
    2. Type $JOBCHK in the RULER field (over DEFAULT), and press Enter.

    The following message is displayed on the top line of the screen:

    CTD947I REPORT PRINTED OK - FROM ACTIVE FILE jobname/username/reportname

    Your report was sent to the spool for printing; however, this time the ruler was activated.

  9. Return to the IOA Primary Option menu for the next exercise.

Parent Topic

Report Decollating Missions – Generic