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Viewing MSGCLASS Output
  1. From the IOA Primary Option menu, type U and press Enter. The User Reports entry panel is displayed.

    Figure 17 User Reports Entry Panel

    -------------------- CONTROL-D/V - USER REPORTS ENTRY PANEL  ---------------(U)

    COMMAND ===>                                                                  



         OPTIONS ===>               1. PERMANENT  2. ACTIVE/MIGRATED  3. HISTORY   



          REPORT NAME   ===>                          

                                                   Report name, prefix or mask

          USER          ===> PRODCNTL              Recipient name or prefix        

          DATE FROM     ===>        TO             Report date or relative day     

          JOBNAME       ===>                       Job name, prefix or mask        


          SHOW MIGRATED ===> N                     Include migrated reports        


          INDEX         ===>                       Index name, prefix or mask      

          VALUE                 ===>                                               




          DISPLAY TYPE  ===> J                      BYPASS PANEL ===> N            




    The User Reports entry panel is the main end-user (recipient) interface to Control-D information. Many facilities are provided under the User Reports screens. These are explained in depth in Chapter 3, "Report Decollating Missions – Job."

  2. Position the cursor in the USER field.
  3. Type PRODCNTL.
  4. The Control-D Online Viewing facility displays the list of reports in many different display types. The display type you use now is for MSGCLASS (JCL) output.
    1. Position the cursor in the DISPLAY TYPE field.
    2. Type J and press Enter. The Active Report List screen is displayed.

    Figure 18 Active Report List Screen

    ACTIVE LIST    <J> JOB          REP                      USR PRODCNTL       (U)

    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR


      PRDRPTS2   8879 05/05/00 08:47 08:47      5       78   C0000

      PRDKPL01   9723 05/05/00 09:17 09:17      4      186   S0C4

      M22PRO1    8042 05/05/00 09:28 09:32      4       54   C0000

      M22PRO2    8059 05/05/00 09:47 09:56      4       48   C0000

      M010ERM    8068 05/05/00 09:48 10:22     17      679   C0000

      M200EP3    8100 05/05/00 10:29 10:29     15      583   JFAIL

      M22PARM    8218 05/05/00 11:58 11:58      9      251   C0000

      M12AWDT    8423 05/05/00 14:50 14:51     24      855   C0004

      M08STMIS   9261 05/05/00 15:07 15:10    331    16497   S222

      M0869REP   9262 05/05/00 15:08 15:10    320    16021   U1024

      M225MANL   8443 05/05/00 15:08 15:08      8      539   C0000

      M225MSGD   8463 05/05/00 15:21 15:21      9      701   C0012

      M28RPTU    8521 05/05/00 16:07 16:32     12      954   C0016

      M12WTO2    8650 05/05/00 18:20 18:21     83     3641   C0004

      M12AMWTO   8655 05/05/00 18:23 18:24    152     6737   C0000

      PRDKPL01   8657 05/05/00 18:25 18:25      4      185   S0C4

      M14TES1    8690 05/05/00 18:51 18:51      4       47   C0000

      M19SMPJ    8716 05/05/00 19:18 20:06    135     6143   S222

      M20INSCD   8365 05/05/00 20:07 20:52     19     1012   C0000

    P PRINT     V VIEW     U UPDATE     I INSERT     A ADD INFO     E EDIT      

    X INDEX     N NOTE     G GIVETO     D DELETE     Q QUICK ACCESS       12.39.17

    This screen list of all jobs decollated by the decollating mission appears on the screen.

    Notice the REMARK field. This field indicates the highest condition code or abend of the job. It is possible to specify selection criteria according to the REMARK. A common use of this option is to select all jobs that have ended NOTOK by specifying NOTOK in the REMARK field of the Show Option window as accessed from the User Reports entry panel.

    If you need more information on any of the fields on the screen, refer to Chapter 2 of the Control-D and Control-V User Guide or use the HELP key (PF01/PF13).

  5. Select any job in the list:
    1. Position the cursor to the left of the line in which the job appears.
    2. Type V and press Enter.

      A screen similar to the one in Figure 19 is displayed.

    Note: Because the INCONTROL Administrator can change the letters used for screen options, the data you see may be different.

    Figure 19 Report Viewing Screen

    ----------------- CONTROL-D REPORT VIEWING   NOTES    0   PAGE      1 OF      5

    COMMAND ===>                                                   SCROLL ===> CRSR



    ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8                      J E S 2  J O B  L O G  --  S Y S T E M  F D S F  --  N O


    13.38.46 JOB 1948  $HASP373 M22UPDT1 STARTED - INIT  2 - CLASS A - SYS FDSF

    13.38.47 JOB 1948  IEF403I M22UPDT1 - STARTED - TIME=13.38.47

    13.39.26 JOB 1948  M22UPDT1.STEP1   .#01; - COMPLETION CODE=0000

    13.39.26 JOB 1948  M22UPDT1.STEP2   .#02; - COMPLETION CODE=0004

    13.39.27 JOB 1948  M22UPDT1.STEP3   .#03; - COMPLETION CODE=0000

    13.39.29 JOB 1948  M22UPDT1.STEP4   .#04; - COMPLETION CODE=0000

    13.39.29 JOB 1948  M22UPDT1.STEP5   .#05; - COMPLETION CODE=NOT RUN

    13.39.29 JOB 1948  IEF453I M22UPDT1 - JOB FAILED - JCL ERROR - TIME=13.39.29

    13.39.29 JOB 1948  $HASP395 M22UPDT1 ENDED

    ------ JES2 JOB STATISTICS ------


               32 CARDS READ

              230 SYSOUT PRINT RECORDS

                0 SYSOUT PUNCH RECORDS

               13 SYSOUT SPOOL KBYTES

             0.71 MINUTES EXECUTION TIME


    CMDS: FIND str (PREV),  EDIT, RULER on/off/name,  N n  P n       11.57.55

  6. Practice a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the various scrolling options.
    1. Scroll forward and backward (PF08/PF20PF07/PF19).
    2. Shift left and right (PF10/PF22PF11/PF23).
    3. Scroll to the bottom of the report – type M (maximum) in the COMMAND field and press PF08/PF20.
    4. Scroll to the top of the report – type M (maximum) in the COMMAND field and press PF07/PF19.

Parent Topic

Viewing and Editing MSGCLASS Output Online