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Tracking and Control

Perform all tracking and control of currently active missions (tasks) under one screen, the Control-D Active Missions screen (AMS). View the status of all missions that have executed recently, are currently executing, or will execute in the near future on the AMS.

  1. From the IOA Primary Option menu, type A and press Enter. The Active Missions Environment screen is displayed:

    Figure 15 Active Missions Environment

    ------------------- CONTROL-D/V ACTIVE MISSIONS ENVIRONMENT ----------------(A)

    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

    O NAME     ODATE  TYP OWNER    ------------------STATUS ------------------  UP

      ======== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TOP OF ACTIVE MISSIONS LIST <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ===

       STD      050500 PRT M22      WAIT SCHEDULE                                 

       BKP0007D 050500 BKP M22      WAIT PROCESS                                   

       BKP0031D 050500 BKP M22      WAIT PROCESS                                   

       BKP0180D 050500 BKP M22      WAIT PROCESS                                   

       BKP0365D 050500 BKP M22      WAIT PROCESS                                   

       RST0060M 050500 CRS M22      WAIT PROCESS                                    

       RSTADHOC 050500 RST M22      WAIT PROCESS                                   

       *        050500 REP M22      GENERIC WAIT PROCESS                           

      ======== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BOTTOM OF ACTIVE MISSIONS LIST <<<<<<<<<<<<<< ===












  2. Notice the field on the far right side of the third line on the screen. UP indicates that the Control-D Monitor is currently active. DOWN indicates that the Control-D Monitor is currently not active.

    Note: The Control-D Online Facility is not dependent on the Control-D Monitor being active.

    When the Control-D monitor is brought up, Generic Classes processing is automatically activated. You may need to activate Generic Classes processing manually after Control-D is brought up. Use caution if you manually activate the Generic option when it has not been activated automatically.

    To manually automate Generic Classes processing, issue operator command


    The following message is displayed on the operator console from which the modify command was issued:


    To deactivate Generic Classes processing, issue operator command


    The last scrollable line in the screen is where the decollating mission that you ordered in the previous exercise is displayed. Other missions in the list are used in later sections of the Getting Started Guide.

    The status of the newly ordered decollating mission is GENERIC WAITING FOR JOB. This indicates that Control-D is waiting for a non-held job output to appear in the output class specified in the ON CLASS statement of the decollating mission.

    1. Press Enter periodically to display status changes. If the status remains unchanged for more than a few seconds (maximum thirty), there is no non-held output in the generic class on spool.
    2. For purposes of this tutorial, release a few MSGCLASS outputs to this class (using FLASHER, SDSF or any other spool display facility installed at your data center). When the decollating mission is processing the output of a job, its status changes to GENERIC DECOLLATING and the job name and job ID are also displayed.

    The status may change to ENDED OK and to other statuses during operation. When the decollating mission returns to WAITING FOR JOB status, there is no more non-held output in the generic output class on spool.

  3. Position the cursor to the left of the decollating mission.
  4. Type L and press Enter. The Log Messages screen is displayed.

    Figure 16 Log Messages Screen

    ------------------- LOG MESSAGES FOR MISSION(S) *        ---------------(A.LOG)

    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

    SHOW LIMIT ON ==> USERID MEM/MIS                           DATE 050500 - 050500

    DATE   TIME   ODATE  USERID   CODE    ------ M E S S A G E --------------------

    ======== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   T O P   O F   R A N G E    <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< =======

    050500 164147 050500 N44      CTD511I REP * ODATE 050500 PLACED ON ACTIVE     

                                           MISSIONS FILE-GENERIC - FOR ALL         

                                           PRODUCTION MSGCLASS (JCL)               

    ======== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   NO  MORE  LOG  MESSAGES    <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< =======















    CMDS: SHOW, GROUP, CATEGORY, SHPF                                      16.58.32

    Review all processing performed by the decollating mission, the jobs processed, and other information of interest. This is actually a filtered Control-D Log that shows only messages related to this decollating mission.

  5. Press PF03/PF15 to return to the AMS.

    Before proceeding to the next decollating mission exercise, the following short exercise demonstrates how you can quickly transfer to another Control-D screen (option) without passing through the IOA Primary Option menu.

  6. Type =U in the COMMAND field and press Enter. The User Reports entry panel is displayed.
  7. Type =A in the COMMAND field and press Enter. This transfers you back to the Active Missions screen.

    Notice that you return to the exact position that you were in before the transfer.

  8. Type =1 in the COMMAND field and press Enter to transfer to the IOA Primary Option menu with the same method.

Parent Topic

Report Decollating Missions – Generic