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Displaying Additional Information on Recipients

  1. Locate recipient PROD (Production Department) by using the FIND command as follows:
    1. Position the cursor at the top of the list, in the COMMAND field.
    2. Type F PROD and press Enter.

      The cursor is positioned on the word PROD in the following line:

  2. Position the cursor at the far left of this line.
  3. Type S and press Enter.

    The Recipient Definition screen for recipient PROD (Production Department) is displayed. At this stage, just examine the parameter fields. A detailed description of the fields appears in the Control-D and Control-V User Guide.

    Figure 4 Recipient Definition Screen

    ----------------------- CONTROL-D RECIPIENT DEFINITION -------------------(T.S)

    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR



       DESC       PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT                                            



       SYNONYM    PRODUCTION                                                      


       AUTHORIZE            $SYSDATA                                               



       INDEX    Y           USER BANNER Y                    REPORT BANNER Y      

       DEF DEST                                                                    


                              P C   P A R A M E T E R S                           

        AUTHORIZED Y                                                               

        PC PATH                                                                    

        PC RETAIN 006       (days)       MF RETAIN 006       (days)               

        MAX SIZE  00056000  (lines)      TRANSMIT FROM 0300 TO 0600  (hhmm)        

    ======= >>>>>>>>>>>> END OF RECIPIENT DEFINITION PARAMETERS <<<<<<<<<<<< ======


    FILL IN RECIPIENT DEFINITION.                                          12.29.20

  4. Exit the Recipient Tree facility. by pressing PF03/PF15 twice.
  5. If you made any modifications to the Recipient Tree, when exiting the Recipient Tree facility the Exit Option window is displayed. This window allows you to save or ignore any modifications made to the tree.

    Figure 5 Recipient Definition Screen - Exit

    -------------------------- CONTROL-D RECIPIENT TREE ------------------------(T)

    COMMAN  +-------------------------------------------------------+  LL===> CRSR

    LEVELS  |                PLEASE SELECT EXIT OPTION              |            

         10  |                                                       |            

             |   SAVE         CREATE                                 |            

             |                                                       |            

             |   CHECK Y                                             |            

             |                                                       |            

             |   LIBRARY CTD.PROD.PARM                               |            

             |   MEMBER  CTDTREE                                     |            

             |                                                       |            


                 30 BR129SA  THE SAVINGS DEPARTMENT                                

                       55 BMIAMI   THE FRIENDLY CONTROL-D USER                     

                             80 PRODCNTL PRODUCTION CONTROL USER                  

                             80 UNIDENT  UNIDENTIFIED REPORTS                     

                             80 NULL     IDENTIFIED REPORTS NOT NEEDED            

      ====== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> END OF RECIPIENT TREE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ======




    Type N in the SAVE field and press Enter.

    N stands for NO SAVE, so that the sample tree required for the tutorial is not accidentally changed.

  6. Press PF03/PF15 to return to the IOA Primary Option menu.

Parent Topic

Control-D Recipient Tree