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Phase 10: Control-D/WebAccess Server Implementation

In this phase, we will review the implementation requirements of Control-D when implementing Control-D/WebAccess Server as well.

Note: In this chapter (as in the rest of this guide) "Control-D" refers only to Control-D and not to Control-D/WebAccess Server.

If you are not implementing Control-D/WebAccess Server, you can skip this phase.

Control-D/WebAccess Server provides users with a platform to access report information downloaded from the mainframe onto their PC environment. It supplies the users with a mechanism to manipulate report output and offers them the capabilities of a more productive and better service to meet their individual business objectives.

We will review which actions are required to implement and support the Control-D/WebAccess Server users from Control-D. For all information relating to the Control-D/WebAccess Server product itself, please refer to the following documentation.

Some of the questions we will answer in this phase are: