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Use the View Indicator

There is a special field on the Active User Display that can indicate whether a report has been viewed, or how many times a report has been viewed. This can be useful if you think reports may not be required online, or when a report is being kept online for a longer duration than is necessary without actually being used. If this is so, it makes sense to archive the report and move it to the History file (from where it can be restored by the user if it is required, thus saving on valuable DASD resource). The value of the View Indicator field is determined by the value set for the Profile Symbol SUSRVEW in the User Profile member. There are three possible values for the View Indicator profile, as follows:

Table 39 Possible View Indicator Values




The View Indicator will not be displayed.


The View Indicator will be displayed as a blank if the report has not been viewed, and as a V if it has been viewed.


The View Indicator will indicate the number of times the report has been viewed.

The View Indicator

  ACTIVE LIST    <D> JOB JOB6     REP                      USR          CHILD (U)

  COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

  O USER     REPORT               ODATE     PAGES    LINES V N STATUS

    BR11     INVENTORY-FOR-1001   07/04/00      3      137 1   Decollated

    BR12     INVENTORY-FOR-1002   07/04/00      4      185 2   Decollated

    BR13     INVENTORY-FOR-1003   07/04/00      3      145 2   Decollated

Note: You should by now have trained the users to use the Online Viewing facility.

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User Profiles