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$SYSDATA Entries

Special entries are created in the Active User Report List file that describe every CDAM file created. These are called the $SYSDATA entries and provide the ability to access the entire contents of a CDAM file.

The $SYSDATA entries allow us to see all the output contained in a CDAM file (that is, the whole report before decollation), rather than sections of the report allocated to a user entry. This is important from an administration point of view to allow you to access the entire report as it was originally created.

Defining $SYSDATA Authorization

To view reports online you must authorize the user in the recipient tree. You can use the AUTHORIZE parameter to specify which user IDs can access report output (user entries). We also use the AUTHORIZE parameter to specify which user IDs can access $SYSDATA entries.

The following definition shows that three userids are authorized to access the user entries (reports) allocated to the recipient name BR11 (and, by default, the children of BR11). However, they are not authorized to access the $SYSDATA entries.

Recipient Definition Screen for Recipient BR11

------------------------ CONTROL-D RECIPIENT DEFINITION -------------------(T.S)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR



   DESC THIS IS THE MIAMI BRANCH                                             



   SYNONYM 1001                                                               


   AUTHORIZE TS0032     $SYSDATA N                                             

   AUTHORIZE TS0004     $SYSDATA N                                             

   AUTHORIZE TS0015     $SYSDATA N                                            

   AUTHORIZE            $SYSDATA                                               

   ADDRESS BRANCH 11                                                           

   ADDRESS 110 GLENDALE DRIVE                                                  

   ADDRESS MIAMI                                                               

   ADDRESS MI40 4PP                                                            



   INDEX                USER BANNER Y                    REPORT BANNER Y      

   DEF DEST                                                                    


                         P C   P A R A M E T E R S                           

    AUTHORIZED N                                                               

======= >>>>>>>>>>>> END OF RECIPIENT DEFINITION PARAMETERS <<<<<<<<<<<< ====

FILL IN RECIPIENT DEFINITION.                                         12.04.48

We will provide further recommendations about the AUTHORIZE field in Phase 9, when you will determine which users will view which Recipient output. For the moment, you should ensure that all user IDs of the Control-D implementation team are authorized as required.

The $SYSDATA entries are not designed for use by end users but are intended as an administration tool. We strongly recommend that only Control-D administration users be authorized to view the $SYSDATA records.

Accessing $SYSDATA Entries

To view the $SYSDATA entries, specify $SYSDATA in the USER field of the Control-D User Reports Entry Panel (Option U in the IOA Primary Option menu). You will then be presented with a list of all the $SYSDATA entries. For example:

$SYSDATA Display of the Active User Report List File

ACTIVE LIST    <D> JOB          REP                      USR $SYSDATA CHILD (U)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR


   MZRPYMBC  9439 S1                SYSUT2        4      240 09/01/00 - 11:32

   JPO1020D  9446 S1                REPORTS       4      240 09/01/00 - 11:49

   MZRPYMBC  9447 S1                STEP1         4      240 09/01/00 - 11:57

   JAC1040M  9482 S1                SYSUT2        4      240 09/01/00 - 12:07

   M0004T05   358 STEP1             SYSUT2        1       37 09/12/00 - 15:47

   M02INSR1  3279 STEP1             SYSUT2        9      427 07/04/00 - 18:54

   M02INSR1  3279 STEP2             SYSUT2        8      328 07/04/00 - 18:54

   M16COMP    657 JES2              $JES2LOG      1       26 02/01/00 - 19:51

   M16COMP    657 JES2              $JCLIMG       1       31 02/01/00 - 19:51

   M16COMP    657 JES2              $SYSMSGS      1       94 02/01/00 - 19:51

   M16COMP    657 CS                SYSTSPRT      1        5 02/01/00 - 19:51

   M16COMP    657 COMP              SYSPRINT     14      705 02/01/00 - 19:51

   M16COMP    657 COMP              PRTDBG        1        6 02/01/00 - 19:51

   M20BGEN1  6128 D2PTROLD          OUT01         1       15 06/02/00 - 19:17

====== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   B O T T O M    O F    L I S T   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ======


X INDEX     N NOTE     G GIVETO     D DELETE     Q QUICK ACCESS       12.09.25

This list identifies output at the CDAM dataset level, that is, when you view an entry, you see the whole report as it was originally created.

Note: In some countries a different character may represent the SYSDATA prefix, such as in the United Kingdom where the pound sign is used.

Ruler Entries

Users can define different views of the reports allocated to them in the user entries. The different views that they create are called Rulers. This is a very powerful end user tool for manipulating data for productive online viewing and selective printing. We will discuss the ruler entries in further detail in Phase 9.


The main reason we keep user entries in the Active User Report List file is to enable users to view report output. When a user views a report online, what is actually being viewed are assigned locations in a CDAM dataset. The longer you keep user entries in the Active User Report List file the longer the CDAM files exist on DASD.

To avoid consuming too much of the DASD resource, we use utility CTDDELRP to delete CDAM datasets from DASD. CTDDELRP also moves entries in the Active User Report List file to the History User Report List file. This provides the user with a list of archived reports that can be selected for restoration if required.


Using utility CTDDELRP, you can specify how long user entries should remain in the Active User Report List file (this also determines the length of time a report can be viewed online). When a report has been online for its specified duration, it is deleted. The utility is composed of three steps, as listed below:

  1. Deletes selected user and $SYSDATA records from the Active User Report List file.
  2. Adds the deleted records from the Active file to the History User Report List file.
  3. Deletes the associated CDAM datasets (connected to the deleted user and $SYSDATA entries) from disk.

    The selection criteria for deleting entries from the Active User Report List file (input for STEP1) can be different for each user, report name, job name, class, and so on. For a full list of selection criteria parameters, see the CTDDELRP utility in the Control-D and Control-V chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide.

    At this stage of the implementation, we recommend that you set up utility CTDDELRP with the following selection parameters:


This means that all entries in the Active User Report List file older than one day will be deleted. Entries that have not been backed up will not be deleted. We recommend that you run this utility on a daily basis. There is a sample job in member CTDDELRP in the Control-D JCL library. We will define the CTDDELRP parameters further when we reach Phase 9.

Table 32 Entry Deletion Rules

Entry Type

How Deletions Are Handled

User entries

Are optionally moved to the History User Report List file if archive was requested in the Report decollating mission (depending on the supplied selection parameters in CTDDELRP) and deleted.

$SYSDATA entries

Are deleted, and then moved to the History User Report List file (if archived) when all related user entries (that is, all user entries pointing to the $SYSDATA) have been deleted and moved to the History User Report List file.

CDAM datasets

Are deleted from DASD when the associated $SYSDATA entry describing them has been deleted and moved to the History User Report List file.

Parent Topic

Active User Report List File