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Default Bundle Format

The default structure of a Control-D bundle is shown below. The following banners will be automatically generated by Control-D:

Table 30 Resulting Banner and Index Pages

Banner or Index


Bundle Start Banner

Indicates the start of a Control-D bundle. This banner can contain any information you want to communicate to the users (for example, contact information for any problems).

Bundle Index

Contains a list of all reports included in the bundle for all users (for example, user names, report names, number of pages).

User Start Banner

Indicates the start of a user's report bundle. This banner contains the user's name and can also include address information (extracted from the recipient tree), general and/or specific information for users, and information such as the date and time of printing.

User Index

Contains a list of all reports for this user (such as report names or number of pages).

Report Start Banner

Indicates the start of a new report. This banner contains the report name of the following report. You can also supply information such as which job name or job ID produced the report.

Report Pages

Specifies the actual pages of the report.

Report End Banner

Indicates the end of the current report.

User End Banner

Indicates the end of reports for the current user.

Bundle End Banner

Indicates the end of the Control-D bundle.

Parent Topic

Bundle Format Options