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SHOUT Recommendations

We recommend that you use the Shout facility for exception handling (that is, when a mission fails or is late for execution). You should try to avoid sending "comforting" messages indicating that all your printing missions have worked successfully as these may obscure any real exceptions that might occur in Control-D.

You can use parameter SHOUT WHEN LATE as a check pointing mechanism. You can specify times by which a printing mission should finish executing. If the mission does not finish executing by the specified time, you can alert someone to this fact. If printing does not start by a specific time, you may end up with too much printing to do to meet your dispatch deadlines. Using this facility you can start to be proactive (that is, solve a problem before it occurs using early warning indicators) rather than reactive (as when you try to solve the problem after it has occurred) in problem solving.

Parent Topic

Printing Mission Parameters