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Parameter CHUNKSIZE of the printing mission can be used to override the default CHUNKSIZE specified in member CTDPARM (as detailed previously).

There are two methods of printing output that can be used by Control-D:

The Multi-Chunk Method

If one of your objectives for the implementation was to reduce the size of the spool area, you will want to use the Chunking mechanism.

This means that Control-D does not send the entire print bundle to spool to await printing, but rather sends a chunk of the bundle to spool to print – when the first chunk has printed, it sends another chunk, and so on. This way we can avoid using the spool as a pre-print holding area and only send output as it is required to print.

Let's say we have a print bundle that consists of 200,000 lines of output. If we sent this output to spool for printing in its entirety, it would take up a large area of spool space. It would be preferable to send the output in chunks of 10,000 lines, as required by the printer, thus avoiding using the spool as a report repository.

You can specify a default CHUNKSIZE to be used for each printer in the member CTDPARM. You can override this default for each specific printing mission using the CHUNKSIZE parameter.

When using the Multi-Chunk Method, the printing characteristics of the reports to be printed can be mixed. Each time the printing characteristics change, Control-D automatically creates a new chunk.

One-Chunk Method

If you do not want to use the Multi-Chunk Method, you can specify a CHUNKSIZE of zero in member CTDPARM for the printer, or override the default for each printing mission using the CHUNKSIZE parameter. You do this by specifying 0 for CHUNKSIZE.

When using the One-Chunk Method, Control-D sends all the output to be printed in one chunk to the spool, regardless of its size.

If the bundle contains reports with different printing characteristics, the characteristics of the first report are used as a default for all reports in the bundle. If you want to print bundles containing mixed printing characteristics, you must use the Multi-Chunk Method.

Parent Topic

Printing Mission Parameters