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Parameters INCLUDE and EXCLUDE

These parameters specify which recipients' reports should be included in the bundle. If you specify a recipient name in the INCLUDE parameter, by default all reports for this user and any of the user’s children (linked by the PARENT field in the recipient tree) will also be included in the bundle (unless you specify an EXCLUDE).

You can include or exclude as many recipients as you want. In most cases, the hierarchical format of the recipient tree reflects the physical destination and grouping of users. This assists in defining printing missions where we can specify the "top" group user and by default include all related users.

Example 1

To include reports for a specific recipient (and by default all their children) the following definition could be used:

Sample Bundling Definition

  INCLUDE USER BR10                                                           

  INCLUDE USER                                                               

  EXCLUDE USER                                                               


                   7-FORMS 8-CHARS 9-MODIFY T-DECOL TIME E-USER DEFINED        

  ENTER SORT SEQ :                                                            


The following users' reports (indicated as shaded) would be bundled from our sample recipient tree for the above definition:

Figure 26 Users Whose Reports Are Bundled - Example 1

Example 2

If you want to exclude a specific recipient from the bundle, use parameter EXCLUDE. Any reports for the excluded user and the user's children (that is, users linked by the PARENT field) will, by default, be excluded from the bundle (unless you specify an INCLUDE).

Sample Bundling Definition

  INCLUDE USER DVAC                                                           

  INCLUDE USER DVACRD02                                                      

  INCLUDE USER                                                               

  EXCLUDE USER DVACRD                                                         

  EXCLUDE USER                                                               


                   7-FORMS 8-CHARS 9-MODIFY T-DECOL TIME E-USER DEFINED        

  ENTER SORT SEQ :                                                            

The following users' reports (indicated as shaded) would be bundled from our sample recipient tree for the above definition:

Figure 27 Users Whose Reports Are Bundled - Example 2

Parent Topic

Printing Mission Parameters