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The splitting and assignment of reports in a manual environment is equivalent to the Control-D decollation process. Placing reports in physical pigeon holes is equivalent to the automatic bundling process of Control-D. Below is a comparison of the two methods:

Table 26 Comparison of Manual Report Breakdown to Control-D Decollation

Manual Method

Control-D Method

Batch job produces reports to spool.

Batch job produces reports.

Reports are printed as they are created.

Reports are automatically decollated.

Reports are manually split and assigned to recipients.

Recipient bundles are printed.

Reports are stacked awaiting dispatch.

Recipient bundles are dispatched.

Reports are packaged and dispatched.


This change in printing methodology means that you may now have to reexamine the timing of printing in your environment to ensure that print bundles meet required dispatch deadlines. Towards this goal, you must time the printing of user output, carefully considering the entire printing workload.

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Printing Methodologies