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Extracting the Report Name From the Report Page

To simplify a report decollating mission definition, you can extract the report name from the report page itself. You can also build report names from different fields on the report page (and add your own text). Let's look again at our original sample report page again (as displayed in SDSF before decollation):

SDSF OUTPUT DISPLAY JOB6      JOB  9381 DSID-  101 LINE       0 COLUMNS  02- 81

COMMAND INPUT ===>                                            SCROLL ===> CSR


********************************* TOP OF DATA **********************************

DATE:   05.05.00

UPDATE: 05.05.00

                                 INVENTORY REPORT



              ----                    ---------------------------

                                   SHELF   QNTY   QNTY       QNTY       QNTY IN


-----------   ----------------     -----   ----   -------    -------    -------

1233-781-21   RIVET D. 0.1 ACR     NONE    KG      100.00     250.00

1233-781-25   RIVET D. 0.5 ACR     NONE    KG      500.00     500.00

1233-781-27   RIVET D. 0.7 ACR     NONE    KG      100.00     100.00

1234-781-21   RIVET D. 0.1 ACP     NONE    KG      100.00

1233-781-25   RIVET D. 0.5 ACR     NONE    KG      500.00     500.00


In this example, we want to build the report name based on values appearing in two different locations on the page, and we want to add some text of our own. The report decollating mission definition would look like this:

  ON CLASS      = T         EXTWTR               DEST          FORM           

  PRT COPIES    LVL    USER                      DEST          MAX COPIES     

      PRINT/CDAM PARMS =                                                      

  WHEN LINE       -       COL       -       PRINT   REF NXT   CT     AND/OR

       STRING =                                                               

    DO USER     = *                     LVL    LINE 006 COL 016 - 019 S   T   

                                        SYNONYM =       CONCAT =              

    DO NAME     = *-FOR-                       LINE 003 COL 035 - 043        

    DO NAME     = *P+*                         LINE 006 COL 016 - 019         


The first string found on the report page (that is, in the location specified in the first DO NAME statement) is INVENTORY, to which we add the string -FOR-. To this we add the next string found in the report page (that is, in the location specified in the second DO NAME statement). This is the warehouse number, which on the first page has a value of 1001. The resulting name is INVENTORY-FOR-1001, assigned to the report. Each time the text on the page changes, the report name changes.

If you do not specify a report name, the report will be assigned the name NONAME. Unidentified pages are assigned the report name of the last identified page. This can be helpful for locating in which part of the report the unidentified page was produced.

Parent Topic

Report Decollating Mission Parameters