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MVS Catalog Conversion Process

The process of conversion from MVS CATALOG to Control-M/Tape includes:

The steps required for MVS CATALOG to Control-M/Tape conversion are described in detail in the remainder of this chapter. The conversion steps are accessed through the INCONTROL Installation and Customization Engine (ICE).

Use the following steps to begin conversion from the MVS Catalogs to Control-M/Tape.

  1. Enter the ICE facility as described in the ICE chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide.
  2. Type CTT in the product field, select "INSTALL CTx" (ICE option 3) from the IOA installation menu, and press Enter. The Control-M/Tape installation menu is displayed.
  3. Choose major step 17 "Conversion from MVS Catalog." The following screen is displayed:

    Figure 17 ICE Screen for Converting MVS Catalog to Control-M/Tape

---------------------------- Minor Steps Selection --------------------------


Environment: IOA610    Product: CTT                                         

Major Step: 17  Conversion from MVS CATALOG                                 


Sel values: S Select step     C Mark step as completed    R Reset status   

             B Browse Step     X Mark step as excluded     ? Help            

PF7/PF8  To scroll through all Steps                                       


Sel  Step Status   Type    Opt Description                                 

===  ==== ======   ====    === ===========                                 


  .     1           Extrnl      Stop Tape Activity                           

  .     2           Job         Format Media Database                        

  .     3           Job         Produce LISTCAT Output                       

  .     4           Job         Convert LISTCAT Output to the MDB            

  .     5           Job         Verify Media Database Integrity              

  .     6           Extrnl      Define Vaults                                

  .     7           Extrnl   Y  Define Scratch Pools                        

  .     8           Extrnl      Create Control-M/Tape Rules                  

  .     9           Extrnl   R  Adjust Rule List                             

  .    10           Extrnl   Y  Add Scratch Volumes to the MDB               

  .    11           Extrnl   Y  Resume Tape Activity                        

------------------------------> End of Minor Steps <-------------------------


You can use ICE screens to check and record your progress during conversion, and to run some of the jobs performed during certain conversion steps.

If you are unfamiliar with ICE, BMC recommends that you review the ICE chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide.

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Conversion from MVS Catalog