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Step 7: Convert the Extract File Into the Media Database

The CONVRMDB job converts the DFSMSrmm Extract file to the
Control-M/Tape Media Database.

  1. The RMMEXT parameter is passed to the CONVRMM procedure in the CONVRMDB job. Modify this parameter in the // EXEC statement, which follows the // PEND statement, to reflect the name of the extract file created by the CONVREXT job.
  2. RANGE statements for the conversion process are supplied through the DD statement SYSIN. These statements identify the volume ranges in use at your site. For each RANGE statement set the following parameters.

    Table 32 Parameters for DD Statement SYSIN RANGE Statements




    First volume serial number.


    Last volume serial number.


    Volume media type.


    Vendor (optional).

    You can add or delete RANGE statements as required.

    Note: Information in the DFSMSrmm Extract file about volumes that are not within the specified ranges is not converted to the Media Database.

    For more information, see the description of the CTTDLD utility with MODE set to CONVERT in the Control-M/Tape chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide.

  3. Verify that your changes are correct and submit the CONVRMDB job.

    All job steps must end with a condition code of 0. If the any of the job steps end with a non-zero condition code, check the messages in the job log to determine whether the conversion was performed satisfactorily.

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DFSMSrmm Conversion Process