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Step 2: Compile and Link Conversion Programs

This step consists of the following tasks:

  1. Define EDM Datasets.

    If an external data manager (EDM) is used at your site, you must modify the CTTCRM3 conversion program, by the following steps, before the job CONVRASM is run:

    1. Locate the table identified by the symbol EDMTABLE in column 1 of the CTTCRM3 member in the IOA SAMPEXIT library.
    2. Review the editing instructions that immediately precede this symbol in the member.
    3. Modify the table according to your site standards.

    Note: If the CTTCRM3 member is modified after the CONVRASM job has been used to compile the conversion programs, changes to the EDM table in this member do not affect the conversion process. Therefore, if you make changes to the EDM table in the CTTCRM3 member, you must recompile the conversion programs, by rerunning the CONVRASM job, in order to implement the changes you have made.

    1. Define retention for EDM-controlled datasets in the Control-M/Tape rules that you created during Step 10: Convert the VRS into Rules.
  2. Define additional locations (vaults). DFSMSrmm usually defines three vaults:

    You can now define your own additional locations.

    If you do define additional locations, you must modify the CTTCRM1 program before you run the CONVRHSM job, by performing the following tasks:

    1. Locate the table LOCTABLE in column 1 of the CTTCRM1 in the IOA SAMPEXIT library.
    2. Modify the LOCTABLE table by inserting new lines defining additional vaults, in accordance with the editing instructions that you will find in that table.
  3. Compile the conversion programs by submitting the CONVRASM job.

    All job steps must end with a condition code of 0.

Parent Topic

DFSMSrmm Conversion Process