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Step 19: Apply Retention Rules

The CONVTRTM conversion job runs the CTTRTM utility with the MODE=CONVERT expression included in the TYPERET statement to apply retention rules for EDM controlled datasets (defined in Step 13: Define External Data Manager Rules). No actual expiration is performed.

Note: Most retention rules are applied automatically by conversion programs in previous steps. If no datasets at your site are controlled by an External Data Manager (EDM), skip this step.

To ensure that utility CTTRTM functions on EDM controlled datasets, INCLUDE statements specifying jobnames of the EDM datasets must be added to the JCL for job CONVTRTM between the TYPERET and REPORT statements. Use the following format for these INCLUDE statements:


The following is a sample JCL for job CONVTRTM:

Figure 13 Sample JCL for Job CONVTRTM


//*  CONTROL-M/TAPE RETENTION MANAGEMENT                              


//CTTRTM   EXEC CTTRTM,REGION=32M                                      

//SYSIN  DD *                                                         

  TYPERUN   MODE=NORMAL,TRACE=NO                                       

  TYPERET   MODE=CONVERT                                                

  INCLUDE   DSNAME=*,CREJBN=ACC001                                      

  INCLUDE   DSNAME=*,CREJBN=PAY001                                      

  REPORT    NAME=SCRATCH                                                



  SORTBY    VOLSER                                                      



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CA-EPIC/MVS Conversion Process