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Step 17: Convert the CA-EPIC/MVS DSN Catalog Report to the Media Database

This step consists of job CONVEMDB that extracts information from the CA-EPIC/MVS DSN Catalog report (generated in Step 8), and uses this information to create volume and dataset records for the Control-M/Tape Media Database.

The following programs are executed by job CONVEMDB.

Table 28 Programs Executed by Job CONVEMDB




Extracts data from the CA-EPIC/MVS DSN Catalog report to a general work file called VWR. The VWR file contains all volume and dataset information necessary for building volume and dataset records in the Control-M/Tape Media Database. This program must end with condition code 0. If it ends with a condition code other than 0, resolve the errors indicated by issued messages, and rerun job CONVEMDB.


Loads volume and dataset records from the VWR file into the data component of the Media Database. This program must end with a condition code of 0. If program CTTDLD5 ends with a non-zero condition code, check the error messages, correct the indicated problems and, if necessary, rerun job CONVEMDB.


Builds index records for the Control-M/Tape Media Database. This program must end with a condition code of 0. Condition code 8 indicates that errors were detected but the utility continued and the Media Database Index file was built successfully. The inconsistencies indicated by issued messages must be investigated and manually corrected.

Before submitting the job, specify the ranges of volumes used at your site in DD statement SYSIN. Volumes in the CA-EPIC/MVS DSN Catalog that are not within the ranges specified to Control-M/Tape will not be added to the Media Database. Specify the following parameters for each RANGE statement:

Table 29 Parameters for DD Statement SYSIN RANGE Statements




First volume serial number in the range.


Last volume serial number in the range.


Volume media type.


Vendor of the media (Optional).

All jobs steps must end with a condition code of 0, except STEP01, which may end with condition code 04. Check the messages in SYSPRINT file to determine if the job ended okay.

For more information about utilities CTTDLD and CTTBIX (with MODE set to CONVERT), see the Control-M/Tape chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide.

Parent Topic

CA-EPIC/MVS Conversion Process