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Step 14: Adjust Rule List

Four separate Control-M/Tape Rule tables are normally created during Steps 1 through 13 (described above). These tables must be specified to Control-M/Tape through member RULLIST in the Control-M/Tape PARM library. This member contains the list of tables to be loaded into memory when Control-M/Tape is activated.

Each time a dataset is accessed or created, Control-M/Tape searches the loaded rule tables for a rule that matches the current dataset. The tables are searched in the same order as they are listed in member RULLIST.

If a Control-M/Tape rule that is triggered by access of a specific dataset does not specify retention criteria for the dataset, Control-M/Tape continues to search for rules that match the current dataset, regardless of the setting for parameter CONTINUE SEARCH. For this reason, the order of the rule tables in member RULLIST is especially important. After conversion and initial testing, rule definitions can be merged for each dataset or merged into generic rules to optimize Control-M/Tape performance.

Enter the new lines in member RULLIST for rule tables created during conversion (from CA-EPIC/MVS) in the following order:

Table 27 New Lines to Add to Member RULLIST



First Line

Rule table containing EDM rules created in Step 13.

Default name: EDMRULE

Second Line

Rule table containing vaulting rules created in Step 5.

Default name: VLTRULE

Third Line

Rule table containing rules converted from Master Records created in Step 12. Default name: MSTRRULE

Fourth Line

Rule table containing rules converted from member EPICOPTS created in Step 6. Default name: OPTSRULE

Parent Topic

CA-EPIC/MVS Conversion Process