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Step 10: Convert Master Records to OPTION SELECT Statements

This step consists of job CONVEMS2 that converts Master Records in the DSN Catalog to OPTION SELECT statements.

Master Records that have parallel OPTION SELECT statements in member EPICOPTS do not need to be converted. Therefore, this job converts only Master Records that contain retention criteria that differs from the retention criteria in the original OPTION SELECT statements, that is, those that were converted in Step 6.

Job CONVEMS2 accesses the report produced by Exit TSIDEDXX in Step 8 and the Control-M/Tape rule definitions created in Step 6 to compare the information contained in them. This information is compared in order to determine that Master Records contain new information that must be converted.

Run job CONVEMS2.

All job steps must end with a condition code of 0.

Parent Topic

CA-EPIC/MVS Conversion Process