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Pool Management

CA-EPIC/MVS tape pool management allows ranges of tape volumes to be defined as tape pools. Each pool has a one-character pool ID and is assigned one or more volser ranges. Tape pool names and volume ranges assigned to pools are defined with option TAPEPOOL in member EPICOPTS in the SYS1.PARMLIB library. Datasets are assigned to tape pools in either a Dataset Definition (EDD) record in DSN Catalog or in OPTION or OPTION SELECT statements in member EPICOPTS.

The conversion tool automatically converts CA-EPIC/MVS pool assignments to Control-M/Tape rules. After these rules are created, the tape pools specified in these rules must be defined to Control-M/Tape.

For more information about definition of tape pools, see the online facilities chapter of the Control-M/Tape User Guide.

Parent Topic

Retention, Pool, and Vault Definitions