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The Retention Period in JCL

You can set the retention period of the dataset in the DD statement of each job by means of the EXPDT parameter.

If the OVERJCL parameter is set to YES, the retention period in a Control-M/Tape rule statement overrides the retention period set by the JCL EXPDT parameter. If the OVERJCL parameter is set to NO, the retention period set in the rule is ignored, and the JCL EXPDT retention period takes effect.

Control-M/Tape does not automatically go through the process of comparing the expiration date setting in an individual rule with the expiration date in the JCL EXPDT parameter and using the later of the two dates to define the retention period.

Regardless of whether the expiration date in the rule setting or that in the JCL EXPDT produces the longer retention period, if you want Control-M/Tape to ensure that the dataset will be retained for the longer of the two retention periods, you must edit the rule accordingly, as shown in the following example:

For more information about retention periods, see the organization and administration chapter in the Control-M/Tape User Guide.

For more information about the OVERJCL parameter, see the organization and administration chapter in the Control-M/Tape User Guide and the Control-M/Tape chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide.

Parent Topic

Step 9: Define and Edit Rules in Special Cases