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Step 4: Apply Retention Rules

The CONVCRTM conversion job runs the CTTRTM utility with the expression MODE=CA1CONV included in the TYPERET statement. In this mode, no retention action is performed. This mode is used to specify the prefix length of the dataset name in the Media Database dataset records. This information is used later for retention management of cyclic datasets.

For more information about the CTTRTM utility, see the Control-M/Tape chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide.

Note: This job may take a long time to complete, but only needs to be run once after the conversion.

Submit the job and check the results of the run.

The job must end with a condition code of 0. If the Scratch Report produced by utility CTTRTM lists volumes that have expired as a result of the run, investigate these cases. Do not perform any expiration during this run of utility CTTRTM.

Parent Topic

CA-1 Conversion Process