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Entering the Online Conversion Screens

Use the following steps to begin conversion from CA-1 to

  1. Enter ICE as described in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide.
  2. Type CTT in the product field, select "INSTALL CTx" (ICE option 3) from the INCONTROL installation menu, and press Enter. The Control-M/Tape installation menu is displayed.
  3. Choose major step 13 "Automated Conversion from CA-1." The following screen is displayed:

    ---------------------------- Minor Steps Selection ---------------------------


    Environment: IOA610    Product: CTT                                         

    Major Step: 13  Automated Conversion from CA-1                              


    Sel values: S Select step     C Mark step as completed    R Reset status   

                 B Browse Step     X Mark step as excluded     ? Help            

    PF7/PF8  To scroll through all Steps                                       


    Sel  Step Status   Type    Opt Description                                 

    ===  ==== ======   ====    === ===========                                 


      .     1           Extrnl      Prepare CA-1 TMC for Conversion              

      .     2  *        Process     Start the Automated Conversion               

      .     3           Job         Apply Vault Rules                           

      .     4           Job         Apply Retention Rules                        

      .     5           Job         Verify Media Database Integrity              

      .     6           Job      Y  Collect Statistics for Stacking              

    ------------------------------> End of Minor Steps <-------------------------






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CA-1 Conversion Process