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Dynamic Dataset Stacking

When a scratch volume is requested for a new data set, Control-M/Tape can automatically direct the data set to an active volume that contains one or more files with attributes similar to the new data set.

This feature is controlled by both the DYNSTK installation parameter, which much appear in the CTTPARM installation parameter, and the DO STACK statement, which must appear in the Control-M/Tape rule of the data set.

At the start of a job, Control-M/Tape searches the JCL of the job for a request for a new tape data set to be created on a scratch volume. If such a request is found, Control-M/Tape verifies the following:

This check can be overridden when parameter STKDEFSZ is specified in member CTTPARM or in a rule.

Depending on the results of the check, either of the following occurs:

The search for a suitable volume process calls Exit 10 (Find Stackable Volume Exit). This exit can be used to control the search algorithm. For more information regarding Exit 10, refer to "Control-M/Tape Exits" in the Exits chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide, and to member DOCTX010 in the IOA DOC library.

Each subsequent search for a suitable volume begins from the last volume scanned in the preceding search.

The space required for the new data set is estimated based on the sizes of previous versions of the data set. Previous versions must have the same data set name and must be created by the same job name. This information is kept in the Stacking Database.

For every newly created data set, Control-M/Tape writes a record containing data set attributes (such as block size and block count) in the Trace file. During the New Day procedure, a utility (CTTSTK) reads the Trace file and updates the information in the Stacking Database.

If a data set is recreated, processed with the expression DISP=MOD, or processed in a step with DD statement //NOSTACK, an entry is created in the Stacking Database marking this data set as non-stackable. The volume on which this data set resides is also marked as non-stackable (in the Media Database).

Control-M/Tape maintains the used space (megabytes used) and free space (megabytes remaining) of each volume. Whenever a volume becomes scratch, it is assigned the maximum size, according to its media. This size is specified in the MEDIA statement in member CTTPARM.

Besides having enough space and belonging to the appropriate pool, the selected volume can be forced to meet one or both requirements controlled by parameter STKMODE in member CTTPARM:

User Exit CTTX002 can be used to change default processing (for example, it can eliminate the job name factor so that any data set with the same name is considered a previous version of the new data set).

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