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Scratch Processing

When a scratch volume is requested, Control-M/Tape rules are searched to determine if the output volume belongs to a specific pool. If so, the mount message is modified to request a specific pool. Instead of SCRTCH/PRIVAT, the message contains the name of the pool from that the volume is to be taken (meaning, not a specific VOLSER).

After a volume is mounted, Control-M/Tape verifies that the mounted volume is a scratch volume and that the volume belongs to the requested pool. If the volume does not belong to the pool, it is rejected and another volume is requested.

Pool definitions are loaded during initialization into memory and are incorporated as part of the Real-Time environment. They can be reloaded at any time without bringing Control-M/Tape down. This allows you to enlarge the pool at any time.

You can prevent read access to scratch volumes. This means that if a job requests a specific volume that is marked as scratch, Control-M/Tape fails this job for security reasons. This process is controlled by installation parameter SCRPROT.

Parent Topic

Volume Processing