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Rule Order

The order that rules are loaded into memory has a direct impact on Control-M/Tape operations. (For additional information, see Rule Search.) The order is established at the time of rule definition. Either of the following orders can be selected:

Table 177 Control-M/Tape Rule Orders




Rules are listed in the order in that they were defined.


Rules are listed in descending alphabetical order, known in Control-M/Tape terminology as Best Match Order. The order of precedence in this order is described in below under Best Match Order.

To sort the rules in a table, specify Y (Yes) in the AUTOMATIC RULE SORTING field in the Rule Definition entry panel. When automatic rule sorting is enabled, Control-M/Tape maintains the rules in sorted order at all times. For example, when the insert option is specified, the newly inserted rule is automatically placed in the appropriate position in "Best Match Order."

To keep rules in non-sorted order, specify N (No) in the AUTOMATIC RULE SORTING field in the Rule Definition entry panel. Rules remain in the order that the user defined them.

Rule order applies to the order of rules within each table. The order of the tables, however, is controlled by the rule list specified in the initialization procedure CTTINIT. For more information, see "Control-M/Tape Initialization – Procedure CTTINIT" in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

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Control-M/Tape Rules