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DO STKRULE: Action Parameter

Set a stacking limitation that denies stacking in certain situations.

Figure 176 DO STKRULE Parameter Format

Optional. Type STKRULE (or its abbreviation STKRU) in the DO field and press Enter. A value must be specified for at least one of the following subparameters:

Table 165 DO STKRULE Subparameters




Name of a job that created data sets with which the current data set is not stacked. Valid values are:

  • jobname — Name of a specific job. A job name of up to eight characters can be specified.
  • *SAME — If an ON JOBNAME statement was specified in this rule, *SAME indicates that the data set is not stacked with any other data set created by a job that matches the job name or mask specified in the ON JOBNAME statement.

If no ON JOBNAME statement was specified in the rule, this value (*SAME) indicates that the data set is not stacked with other data sets created by the job that created the current data set.


Name of a data set with which the current data set is not stacked. Valid values are:

  • dsname — Name of a specific data set. A data set name of up to 44 characters can be specified.
  • * SAME — The data set is not stacked with any other data set that matches the data set name or mask specified in the ON DATASET statement of the current rule.

Any number of DO STKRULE statements can be specified in one Control-M/Tape rule.

The expression DO STACK=Y must precede the first DO STKRULE statement in a rule. A DO STKRULE statement by itself does not cause Control-M/Tape to stack a data set.

Parent Topic

Rule Parameters