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Show Option Window

The Show Option window allows you to specify criteria to determine which volumes is included in the display. To open the window, specify the SHOW command in the COMMAND field of the Media Database List screen, or press PF02. Change criteria by making the desired changes in the appropriate fields. When all the desired changes have been typed in, press Enter.

Figure 67 Media Database List Screen Option Window

DATABASE LIST < V / V  > ------------------------------------------------  (TI)

COMMAND ===>   +--------------------------------------------------------------+

O VOLSER    VO |                   PLEASE SELECT SHOW OPTION                  |

   V00001       |   VOLUME FIELDS:                                             |

   V00002       |                                                              |

   V00003       |   L-ACCESS JOB                     FILE NUM                  |

   V00004       |   USAGE PERCENT                    MOVE DATE                 |

   V00005       |   USE COUNT                        OWNER                     |

====== >>>>>>> |   EXCP COUNT                       TAPE LIB                  |


USE OPT COMMAND TO DISPLAY/HIDE OPTION LIST                             19.29.54

The following selection criteria are available:

Note: Selection criteria marked with the symbol C permit character masking. Character masking is discussed in this chapter.

Table 90 Selection Criteria of the Show Option Window




Includes only volumes where the specified job was the last job to access the volume.


Includes volumes that have filled or utilized a percentage of their media that is less than, greater than, or equal to the specified usage percent n as specified.

n – Include volumes whose percent usage is equal to n.

>n – Include volumes whose percent usage is greater than n.

<n – Include volumes whose percent usage is less than n.


Includes only volumes with the specified use-count.


Includes only volumes whose EXCP count is equal to the indicated EXCP count.

n – Include volumes whose number of data sets is equal to n.

>n – Include volumes whose number of data sets is greater than n.

<n – Include volumes whose number of data sets is less than n.


Includes only volumes that were moved on the indicated date.


Includes only volumes that are owned by the indicated owner.


Includes only volumes that reside in the specified robotic tape library.

Parent Topic

Media Database List Screen