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Additional Information Option and Fields

Specifying A (Additional Info) in the OPTION field of any volume or data set listed in the Media Database list alternately displays or hides additional information about the selected volume or data set.

The set of Additional Info fields displayed depends on whether you specified A on a volume line or on a data set line. For a volume line, fields relating to volume information are displayed. For a data set line, fields relating to data set information are displayed.

Note: The type of line on which you specified A, not the screen display type, determines whether data set or volume information is displayed.

For display type S, Additional Info fields relevant to system programmers are displayed along with the standard Additional Info fields for the current line.

Descriptions of Additional Info fields are provided in the following topics for:

Additional Info for Volumes

Figure 62 Additional Information for Volumes Display

DATABASE LIST < V / V > ------------------------------------------------ (TI)

COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL===> CRSR


   K02002      002 REEL       06/06/00             001 MAINLIB   Vaulted


    Media Desc:     REEL-TAPE               Unit Name:       TAPE

    SL-Name:        K02002                  Pool Name:       $$NOPOOL

    Location:       MAINLIB                 Owner:           M27A

    Description:                            Vendor Name:

    Label Type:     NL                      Density:         3490

    Capacity Used:  00800KB 100%            Ret-Dataset:     0001

    Data Uncomp:    00800MB                 Physical vol:

    Use Count:      00000                   EXCP Count:      00000000

    Last Access:                            By Job:

    Last Modified:  06/06/01                By User: M27A

    Move Date:                              Return Date:

    Check-In Date:  05/05/01                Clean Date:

    Scratch Date:                           Last Label:

    ATL Interface:                          Tape Library:

    Stk Group:


    Volume Seq:     002                     First Volume:    KO2001

    Next Volume:                            Prev Volume:     KO2001


    Read Temp:      002                     Read Perm:       000

    Write Temp:     000                     Write Perm:      000

    VAULTING INFORMATION:                   V-Dataset:       001

    Slot Num:       000                     Return Date:

    Box Id

    Vault Name:     VAULT1                  Entry Date:      06/06/01

    Retention:      VLT DAYS 0010

    ----------------------------- END OF RECORD --------------------------------

USE OPT COMMAND TO DISPLAY/HIDE OPTION LIST                            18.01.59

Additional Info Fields for Volumes

The Additional Info fields for volumes are divided into the following categories:

Note: Not all categories are necessarily displayed. The categories displayed depend on information available for the selected volumes.

Table 76 Additional Info Fields for Volumes – General Information Fields



Media Desc

Description of the media (as specified in member CTTPARM).

Generic Unit

MVS generic unit name.


Standard label name. Logical name of the volume.

Pool Name

Name of the pool with which the volume is associated (for scratch purposes).


Current location of the volume.


Owner of the volume.


Description of the volume.

Vendor Name

Name of the vendor.

Label Type

Type of the label.


For 3400 unit types: Tape recording density.
For other tape devices: Tape recording technique.

Capacity Used

Combined size of all active data sets on the volume, and the percentage of the volume that is occupied by these data sets.


Data set that determines the retention period of the volume.

Data Uncomp

Uncompressed size of all active data sets on the volume.

Use Count

Number of times the volume has been "used" (for example, accessed).

EXCP Count

Number of EXCPs performed on this volume since it was last scratched.

Last Access

Date of last access of the volume.

By Job

Name of the job that last accessed the volume.

Last Modified

Date of last modification of the volume record.

By User

User who last modified the volume record.

Move Date

Last date the volume was moved.

Return Date

Date the volume should return to the active library.

Check-In Date

Date the volume was checked into the active library.

Clean Date

Date the volume was last cleaned.

Scratch Date

Date the volume was scratched.

Last Label

Last label number on the volume.

ATL Interface

Name of the Automated Tape Library interface used by Control-M/Tape to access the library to which the volume belongs.

Tape Library

Name of the robotic tape library (if the volume resides in a robot).

Stk group

Name of the stacking group.

Table 77 Additional Info Fields for Volumes – Multi-Volume Information Fields



Volume Seq

Sequence number of the volume.

First Volume

First volume in the chain.

Next Volume

Next volume in the chain.

Prev Volume

Previous volume in the chain.

Table 78 Additional Info Fields for Volumes– I/O Errors Fields



Read Temp

Number of temporary read errors for this volume.

Read Perm

Number of permanent read errors for this volume.

Write Temp

Number of temporary write errors for this volume.

Write Perm

Number of permanent write errors for this volume.

Table 79 Additional Info Fields for Volumes– Vaulting Information Fields




Label number of the data set that determined the vault pattern.

Slot Num

Slot number indicating where the volume is located in the vault.

Return Date

Date on which the volume should be returned from the active library to the vault (after the RECALL option was specified).

Box ID

Name of the box containing the volume.

Vault Name

Name of the vault.

Entry Date

Date the volume entered the vault.


Period for which the data set is retained in that vault.

Additional Info for Data Sets

Figure 63 Additional Info for Data Sets Display

DATABASE LIST < D / D  > ------------------------------------------------  (TI)

  COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

  O ---DATASET NAME-----------------------------   VOLSER RETENTION   STATUS

    DSN230.DB2P.IMAGCOPY.A1SAVLK                   005169  10/10/00   Active

      GENERAL INFORMATION:                                                

      Sequence #:     0005                    # of Volumes:   001         

      Rec Format:     FB                      Rec Length:     00460        

      Block Size:     0000009200              Block Count:    000004      

      Comp Size:      00028KB-001%            Tape Format:    128TRACK     

      Uncomp Size:    00036KB                                             

      Use Count:      00001                   EXCP Count:     00000004     

      Modified:       06/12/01                By User:        M04         

      Job Account:                                                         

      Stk Group:      RETENTION INFORMATION:                              

      Source:         INST PARM                                            

      Retention:      DATE       08/08/00                                 

      CREATION INFORMATION:                                                

      Date:           06/06/00                Time:           03:58        

      Job Name:       MM20DBP                 Step Name:      DSNTIUT      

      PGM Name:                               DD Name:                     

      UCB Addr:                               CPU ID:                     

      Created By:                             JCL EXPDT:                  

      SMS MGMTCLS:                                                         

      LAST READ INFORMATION:                                               

      Date:           06/06/00                Time:           04:00        

      Job Name:       MM20DBP                 Step Name:      DSNTIUT      

      PGM Name:                               DD Name:                     

      UCB Addr:                               CPU ID:                     

      LAST WRITE INFORMATION:                                             

      Date:           06/06/00                Time:           04:02        

      Job Name:       MM20DBP                 Step Name:      DSNTIUT      

      PGM Name:                               DD Name:                     

      UCB Addr:                               CPU ID:                     

  USE OPT COMMAND TO DISPLAY/HIDE OPTION LIST                       18.29.45

The Additional Info fields for data sets are divided into the following categories:

Note: Not all categories are necessarily displayed. The categories displayed depend on information available for selected data sets.

Table 80 Additional Info Fields for Fields – General Information Fields



Sequence #

Position (label) number of the data set in the sequence of data sets on the volume.

# of Volumes

Number of volumes on which this data set is contained.

Rec Format

Record format type.

Rec Length

Record length.

Block Size

Block size.

Block Count

Number of blocks.

Comp Size

Compressed data set size and the percentage of the volume that is occupied by this data set.

Uncomp Size

Uncompressed data set size.


For 3400 unit types: Tape recording density.
For other tape devices: Tape recording technique.

Use Count

Number of times the data set was accessed or used.

EXCP Count

Number of EXCPs (READ and WRITE) performed on the data set since its creation.


Date of last modification of the data set record.

By User

User who last modified the data set record.

Job Account

Job account of the job that created the data set.

Stk group

Name of the stacking group.

Table 81 Additional Info Fields for Fields – Retention Information Fields




Source of the retention information (for example, rule, JCL, installation parameters).


Period for which the data set is retained.

Table 82 Additional Info Fields for Fields – Creation Information Fields




Date the data set was created.


Time the data set was created.

Job Name

Name of the job that created the data set.

Step Name

Name of the step that created the data set.

PGM Name

Name of the program that created the data set.

DD Name

Name of DD statement.

UCB Addr

UCB address of the unit on which the data set was created.


ID of the CPU.

Created By

User ID of the job that created the file.


Expiration date from the JCL.


DFSMS Management Class.

Table 83 Additional Info Fields for Fields – Last Read Information Fields




Date the data set was last read.


Time the data set was last read.

Job Name

Name of the job that last read the data set.

Step Name

Name of the step that last read the data set.

PGM Name

Name of the program that last read the data set.

DD Name

Name of DD statement.

UCB Addr

UCB address of the unit on which the data set was read.


ID of the CPU.

Table 84 Additional Info Fields for Fields – Last Write Information Fields




Date the data set was last written.


Time the data set was last written.

Job Name

Name of the job that last wrote the data set.

Step Name

Name of the step that last wrote the data set.

PGM Name

Name of the program that last wrote the data set.

DD Name

Name of DD statement.

UCB Addr

UCB address of the unit on which the data set was written.


ID of the CPU.

Additional Info for Display Type S

The System Programmer display type (S) displays more Additional Info fields than the other display types. In fact, an entire category of fields (Status Information) is added before the General Information category. The screens and field descriptions of Additional Info fields for both volumes and data sets for display type S are described on the following pages.

Figure 64 Additional Info for Volumes – Display Type S

DATABASE LIST < S / V  > -------------------------------------------------  (TI)

  COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

  O VOLSER/DATASET NAME                            CR-DATE   RETENTION   STATUS

    WORK02*                                                   11/10/00   Active

      STATUS INFORMATION:                                                   

      Status 1:       80                      Status 2:       00            

      Status 3:       00                      Status 4:       00            

      Record RBA:     00000105                                             

      GENERAL INFORMATION:                                                  

      Media Desc:     CARTRIDGE               Unit Name:      3490         

      SL-Name:        WORK02                  Pool Name:      $$NOPOOL      

      Location:       MAINLIB                 Owner:          M27A         

      Description:    THIS IS A TEST VOL      Vendor Name:    CTT           

      Label Type:     SL                      Tape Format:    128TRACK      

      Capacity Used:  00800KB 100%            Ret-Dataset:    0001         

      Data Uncomp:    00800MB                 Physical vol:                 

      Use Count:      00000                   EXCP Count:     00000000      

      Last Access:    04/04/00                By Job:         JOB1         

      Last Modified:  03/03/00                By User:        M27A         

      Move Date:      02/02/00                Return Date:                  

      Check-In Date:                          Clean Date:     02/02/00      

      Scratch Date:   01/01/00                Last Label:     001           

      In-Use Date:                            Job Used:                     

      User Field:                             Files:                        

      ATL Interface:                          Tape Library:                 

      Block ID:       00000000                Block ID LABEL: 0000         

      Stk Group:                                                            


      Volume Seq:     002                     First Volume:   WORK01        

      Next Volume:    WORK03                  Prev Volume:    WORK01        

      I/O ERRORS:                                                           

      Read Temp:      011                     Read Perm:      013           

      Write Temp:     000                     Write Perm:     000           

      VAULTING INFORMATION:                   V-Dataset:      001           

      Slot Num:       002                     DSname Pref LTH 000           

      Box ID:                                 Return Date:                  

      Vault Name:     VAULT1                  Entry Date:                  

      Retention       CYCLE      0003                                       

  USE OPT COMMAND TO DISPLAY/HIDE OPTION LIST                            15.42.13

Note: Only Additional Info fields unique to display type S are described in Table 85. Descriptions of all other fields can be found in the previous tables.

Table 85 Additional Information Fields for Volumes - Display Type S




Status information from the Volume record, displayed in hexadecimal (Hex) format. For an explanation of the codes, see Status Codes in the Inquire/Update Screen.

Record RBA

The internal identifier of the database record.

Physical vol

The VTS physical exported stacked volume.

In-use Date

The last date that the volume was accessed ("used").

Job Used

The name of the job that last used the volume.

User Field

The field in the volume record in which the user can add up to 20 characters of free text (for example, in a user exit).


The number of files on the volume.

Block ID

The physical location of the end of the last data set on the volume.


The label of the last data set on the volume.

DSname Pref LTH

The number of characters (maximum: 44) in the data set name prefix (determined by the ON DATASET statement of the rule selected during data set creation).

Figure 65 Additional Info for Data Sets – Display Type S

  DATABASE LIST < S / D  > ------------------------------------------------  (TI)

  COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

  O VOLSER/DATASET NAME                            CR-DATE    EX-DATE    STATUS

    M21.FILE1                                     01/01/00   08/08/00   Active

      STATUS INFORMATION:                                                   

      Status 1:       80                      Status 2:       00            

      Status 3        00                      Last Action     W            

      Record RBA:     00001708                                             

      GENERAL INFORMATION:                                                  

      Sequence #:     0005                    # of Volumes:   001           

      Rec Format:     FB                      Rec Length:     00460         

      Block Size:     0000009200              Block Count:    000004        

      Comp Size:      00028KB-001%            Tape Format:    256TRACK      

      Uncomp Size:    00036KB                                               

      Use Count:      00001                   EXCP Count:     00000004      

      Modified:       06/12/01                By User:        M04           

      User Field:                             DSname Pref LTH 044           

      Stk Group:                              Block ID        00000000      

      RETENTION INFORMATION:                                                



      CREATION INFORMATION:                                                

      Date:           01/01/00                Time:           17:45         

      Job Name:       JOB1                    Step Name:      STEP1         

      PGM Name:       PGM1                    DD Name:        DDNAME1      

      UCB Addr:       280                     CPU ID:                       

      Created By:                             JCL EXPDT:                    

      Step CC:                               SMS MGMTCLS:                  

      Job Account:                                                         

      LAST READ INFORMATION:                                                

      Date:           05/05/00                Time:           17:45         

      Job Name:       JOB1                    Step Name:      STEP1         

      PGM Name:       PGM1                    DD Name:        DDNAME1      

      UCB Addr:       280                     CPU ID:                       

      Step CC:                                                              

      LAST WRITE INFORMATION:                                               

      Date:           06/06/00                Time:           17:49         

      Job Name:       JOB1                    Step Name:      STEP1         

      PGM Name:       PGM1                    DD Name:        DDNAME1      

      UCB Addr:       280                     CPU ID:                       

      Step CC:                                                              

     ----------------------------- END OF RECORD --------------------------------

  USE OPT COMMAND TO DISPLAY/HIDE OPTION LIST                           15.43.06

Note: Only Additional Info fields unique to display type S are described Table 86. Descriptions of all other fields can be found in the previous tables.

Table 86 Additional Info Fields for Data Sets – Display Type S



Status1 / Status2 / Status3

Status information from the data set record, displayed in hexadecimal (Hex) format. For an explanation of the codes, see Status Codes in the Inquire/Update Screen.

Last Action

The operation performed the last time the data set was accessed. Valid values are:

  • C — Create
  • R — Read
  • W — Write

Record RBA

The internal identifier of the database record.

User Field

Field in which the user can add up to 20 characters of free text (for example, in a user exit).

DSname Pref LTH

Number of characters (maximum: 44) in the data set name prefix (determined by the ON DATASET statement of the rule selected during data set creation).

Step CC

Condition code of the step in which the data set was created, read, or written.

Parent Topic

Media Database List Screen